lundi 3 décembre 2018

Important message to everyone

**Everyone needs to read this.**

Today most of the world think about their problems and don't care about others at all. Yes I have problems but i'm always ready to help others in need. Most of the world come to see you because they take pity on you but I do not. I will see because I am someone who is there to help. It's rare that people come to help me out but do you exactly know what's going on in my life? No. It's probably even more worst than your life. Yes,we all have problems. I do too but even if you have them,take the time to help. This person will thank you but it's rare that people thank me. Do not ignore them because they can have serious problems either it's at home or not but listen to them and give them advice. And after that,it can help a lot or not but at least you try and if you cannot give them advice,just listen and think how he or she feel and imagine that you know him or her after. Talk with them to help a little.
This year,I got a trauma about Transformers Cyberverse which is a big problem to me but does that mean that I have to give up on life? No. But look at how many people who think that bullying is the solution instead of helping me. Very awful,right? No matter what the problem is,help people out instead of bullying. You'll see how easy it is after. While it's true that everyone has their way to speak but there's no excuse for helping someone else's free speech because they are there to talk to you. Another thing I want to talk about is when someone make up excuses. This is something I don't like at all. Most people think that making excuses in the solution to their problem but in fact they are simply claiming stuff. For exemple: ''I'm sorry for this attitude. I'm Autistic.'' Ok first of all,no many Autistic people act immature and they know how to manage themselves. Secondly,the person may have claim to be Autistic to feel more innocent.
Last thing I want to talk about is suicide. Suicide is a sensitive subject because many people kill themselves out of bullying. Unfortunately,there are people out there who think it's funny.. If you know someone being suicidal,try to help them feel better. Try to talk to them. Tell them that the world is still beautiful. Tell them that their parents and friends need them. But what I don't like about this that most people fake suicide to get others' attention. This is not ok and I will not tolerate that.
So I hope that this is clear to all of you. Anyway,thank you for reading this message.

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