vendredi 26 juillet 2019

Robots in disguise Combiner Force Lost Episode

**What i'm going to tell you is about a lost episode and that episode changed during production.**

This lost episode i'm going to talk about is called ''Slug''. You hear me. It is suggested that it could have been the episode where it features the Dinobot Slug. The title of the episode was revealed during production when a video shows a production clip of Combiner Force with the exact title on top. However,the clip turned out to be episode 7 of Combiner Force called ''The great divide''. The reason of the change is because they wanted to cancel the character Slug since they already have a triceratops character named Tricerashot in Season 3. The storyline of the episode was not revealed but it is believed that it has something to do with the Autobots discovering a dinosaur creature that turned out to be the Dinobot Slug. We don't know if Slug was meant to be a good guy or not. The storyline was changed in favor of two Sideswipes arguing each other. Yeah,you know the rest. 

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