mercredi 23 juin 2021

The Untold And Dark Truth Of Supernanny

 We all know the Supernanny show and who Jo Frost is,but this needed an article because there are things you probably didn't know about Supernanny. I have already talked about Jacob Young who went to jail for rape. 

            The Behind the scenes of the show

While the episodes always wrapped up with happy kids and grateful parents,there were a lot more going on behind the scenes. From an almost failed engagement to a three year old committing arson,there are more than meets the eye. 

The show almost cost Supernanny 's own Jo Frost her relationship. When Jo Frost left in 2011,she explained she was ready to move on from the show and start a family of her own. It turns out that the show almost cost Frost one of her most important relationships with Darrin Jackson. She told in an interview that her relationship with Darrin suffered during filming. You see,Derrin was a production manager on the show so he got to work with her and the others,but it didn't work out. The idea of it not working was'nt an option for Joe or Jackson but the reality is that they had to live by what they preach as well. Jo said she still planned to work after settling down and becoming a mother. However,she and Jackson are committed to making it work no matter what. 

The kids may have been coerced to cry. The beauty of Supernanny was watching the incredible transformation of the kids. The more out of control the children were,the more exciting the episode get. The tantrums were truly groundbreaking and they kept people coming back for more. Sadly,some of these tantrums were allegedly coerced. Producers of the British version of Supernanny revealed that the kids had to cry on the show. Channel 4 board member Roger Graef said they were told to force the children to cry on Supernanny during a seminar at the London School of Economics. However,Channel 4 said this never happened on the American version of Supernanny.

The show has a royal fan. The families featured on Supernanny appeared completely out of control. The kids ran the show as they screamed at their parents and threw their vegetables across the kitchen. Jo Frost had her work cut out for her week to week. However,it seems that you don't need to have lost all control to benefit from Frost and her strategies. Even a seemingly perfect family studied her methods. When Kate Middleton was pregnant with her first baby,Prince William shared that he began watching the DVDs of Supernanny. Prince Harry reportedly got sucked into the show as well. Frost told the telegraph that she was happy when she found out the royal family was watching. 

Did the show exploit the kids?  During the height of Supernanny's success,concerns were raised about the well-being of the families,especially the children. While Jo Frost is the star of the show,it's the kids that make the program addictive to watch. Seeing them from epic meltdown mode to happy and helpful little angels kept people coming back for more like I stated before. However,the kids never actually agreed to be on television. We sat there watching these children during their darkest times. The more distressed they were,the better the episode. Perhaps it was'nt fair to subject them to national television. What will happen when they grow up and see themselves acting that way? Frost has been adamant that the show was only for the benefit of the children and that it never used them for ratings. When the Guardian asked Frost if she was ever concerned about exploiting children,she quickly said no. 

You can use Jo Frost's expert techniques at home. After having a wildly successful TV show,it was only a matter of time before Frost tried her hand at writing. In 2011,she released her parenting book,Jo Frost's Confident Toddler Care. 

Even Supernannies have trouble following their own advice. Frost was insanely busing while filming Supernanny but it turns out that frantic pace didn't go away after the show ended. She told at home that she had to set healthier boundaries for herself after having a health setback following the show. She had a knee injury and it was a though recovery. All the while,she had an anterior cruciate ligament replacement. She went back for therapy for a short amount of time and she was getting better and better. After her recovery,she decided it was time to start saying ''no'' more often. She focused on a better balance and let herself turn down projects when she was feeling stretched too thin.

One family says their sons' behavior worsened after the show. At the end of each Supernanny episode,we the audience had the satisfaction of seeing even the most unruly youngsters happily following the rules. The families always seemed so much closer and more peaceful at the end. That's probably why it's so sad to think that the stories didn't end there. It is truly unrealistic to think that one person could undo years of conditioning in such a period of time. This was certainly true for the Young family. Jo Frost spent two weeks with this family of five boys. She thought the parents about how to use rewards and instituted a ''naughty stool'' when the boys didn't listen. Sadly,the naughty stool went up in flames. The family's three year old son Joel set fire to the house with a kitchen lighter after appearing on Supernanny. The parents have stated that the children were not responsible,but the fire service released a statement saying that Joel was the one who started it. No one was hurt,but the house was destroyed. The Youngs have complained that their sons' behavior actually worsened after the show because they were encouraged to play up their misbehaving for the cameras. Years later,Jacob Young is put in jail for rape in 2020. 

Jo Frost is the face of the show,but it takes a village to help these families. While Jo Frost is very effective,she can't possibly work the kind of miracle we saw on the show completely on her own. She shared with the parents that there is an entire team behind the camera who are vital to the family' success. Frost explained that she make sure that the families always come first on Supernanny and that requires a team. The most important members of that team are the parents. Once the crew and cameras leave after two weeks,it's up to the parents to keep up this new system.

Nannies don't like the show. Not everyone agrees with Jo Frost and her tactics. Surprising group who isn't crazy about her strategies is other nannies. The nanny service ENannySource posted its top 10 reasons why nannies don't love Supernanny. Nannies worry that the show gives unrealistic expectations for nannies. Not all problems can be tied up within an hour-long show,so families should not expect one person to work miracles that quickly. They also worry that the show thrives on drama,much more than is natural for the average family. The average nanny spends her days changing diapers and playing at the park. You don't need epic tantrums and meltdowns everyday. Finally,ENannySource explained that nannies should be part of the family,not the leader. Parents are still in change when it comes to their children,so they need to stay engaged. 

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