dimanche 13 septembre 2020

Can Beyond Birthday Be A Shinigami?

 **Ok,before I start this,I would have to remind you all that this is a theory,and that nothing has been official. I'm just trying to figure out what or who Beyond Birthday could be.**

First of all,what is a Shinigami

A Shinigami is known as a God of Death. In Death Note,they are a race of extra-dimensional beings who survive by killing humans to extend their own lives. Shinigami are not responsible for every death that occurs;people will eventually die regardless of whether or not the Shinigami pay attention to them,but a Shinigami can end their lives sooner than intended to extend their own lifespan. They each vary widely in appearance and their bodies are built in ways that would seem impossible by Earth standards. 
Shinigami are also capable of flight and use wings as a mode of transportation,especially in the human world. When their wings are not in use,they retract. Each Shinigami have a unique personality and level of intelligence. It is assumed that all Shinigami can understand each others' languages. Some of them can also speak,read and write in Earthly languages. 
Although Shinigami have jobs,they do not have a required amount of work to do and often gets bored. Their main job is to find humans they can take life from and write their name in their Death Note. Some Shinigami tend to forget to write names down or even tend to save someone life they care about by writing a name down,which is against the rule,which causes them to die. 
Shinigami can be either male or female based on their appearance. They do not however reproduce nor having sexual relationships with humans. The only humans that can see a Shinigami are the ones who touches the Death Note.

Who is Beyond Birthday

Beyond Birthday is a mysterious character from the Death Note franchise. He is one of the orphans from the Wammy's House. It is believed to be one of L's successors after his death. However,he chose to live his life as a serial killer instead. He is long assumed to be an evil version of L. He is responsible of the Los Angeles BB Murders Cases. His true name has never been revealed.
What is interesting about Beyond Birthday,is that he was born with Shinigami eyes. What could be the reason for that? That is what I am figuring out at this point. 

Beyond Birthday may have been a Shinigami at birth

Yes,this is indeed my theory. If Beyond Birthday has the eyes of a Shinigami,this could only mean he has them at birth. But how could this have happened? Shinigami can't reproduce nor have sexual relationships with humans,like I have said earlier on. It's possible he may have been a Shinigami all along. A Shinigami in the human world at such a young age? Or maybe it is something else. 
Perhaps someone has transmitted the Shinigami eyes to him upon birth. His parents may had something to do with a Shinigami on Earth. Could it be possible that a Shinigami himself/herself has saved Beyond Birthday's death from birth by giving him those eyes? Yes,it could have been the case. 
He may have lived thanks to a Shinigami for some reasons. But what about his parents? It is possible his mom died after his birth. Hearing the death of his mom,his dad possibly could'nt raise Beyond Birthday on his own,so he gave him to the Wammy's House so he could live a better life with the other orphan kids. By the rumors given by people with his connection with L,I assumed he is probably L's twin brother. This may have been the reason why he was one of the candidates to succeed L to begin with. There is one problem,though: L could have been afraid of him and this is for a simple reason. His Shinigami eyes took ahold of him throughout the years,making him a serial killer in the process. 

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