jeudi 5 décembre 2019

Sawback,the lost minicon character

For those who don't know who Sawback is,he's a dog minicon in the Robots in disguise toyline. However,there has been cases of him being promoted for Transformers Robots in disguise. 
Not only did he have a toy,he has even been promoted by McDonald. When receiving a Bumblebee toy from McDonald,he comes with a Sawback badge. Yeah,those useless badges you often gets at McDonald when you get a toy.. However,this one was'nt for nothing. You'll see why it was important. 
You can also get a Sawback figure in the Dickie toyline if you buy the Optimus Prime Battle Truck. While I was making research,I found something quite interesting. It's a promo image of Bumblebee and Sawback. The image was for the Best of the bots contest on Teletoon and YTV. By the look of the image,it really do feel like show accurate. What's more? In the game Faction Face off Match,Bumblebee's partner is Sawback. Coincidence? I have jumped in a conclusion..
Sawback was meant to show up in the series. He was planed to used by Bumblebee. What happened to him? I don't know.. All that was left was the promotion for him. 

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