mercredi 9 octobre 2019

This is what the original RID planed for the beginning

**It's time to explain something that was planed all along for Transformers Robots in disguise. Be prepared because what you'll hear will shock you.**

During the production of Transformers Robots in disguise,it was originally planed to have 4 Dinobots in the show. Grimlock is one of them,obviously. During the show,they introduced another Dinobot,Scowl. After many episodes,we all thought these two are the only Dinobots we had for the show. Well,I have discovered something. Like I said,the original plan was 4 Dinobots. And here it goes.. First off is the beloved Grimlock. He is of course recognizable with his T-Rex mode. Next up is Underbite. It turns out that a Chompazoid is actually a subspecies of Dinobots. Then we have Scowl,obviously. And finally,there is Tricerashot. Even though he's a minicon,he is considered a Dinobot due to his appearance. So 4 originally planed Dinobots,we got them. However,Grimlock replaced a planed Dinobot,Backlash. So all along we had 4 Dinobots in the show and not just Grimlock and Scowl. This proves that we do need to pay attention to the show,details and much more. Yet,another solved mystery. 

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