jeudi 31 janvier 2019

Underbite's backstory

**This is to cover Underbite's backstory. Yes,I choose him because he's my special Decepticon.**

Two things rule the thought processes of Underbite: eating and bragging. This Decepticon Chompazoid is extraordinarily proud of his strength,which increase as he consume metal. To him,everything is a workout,all in the goal of pumping up and bulking out. He's even gone so far as to name his forearms Thundercruncher and Boltsmasher. He kiss them. 
One thing for sure: He devoured Nuon City. He has a steady diet of metal to masticate. It seems that Grimlock know Underbite for a long time and even know that he devoured Nuon City to begin with. This mean that Underbite actually know Grimlock too. Both of them were aboard the Alchemor,of course but there is more to their story. My best guess is that Underbite and Grimlock were childhood friends back on Cybertron. Maybe before the war started. So why are they enemies in the show? It's all because of the war. Underbite became a Decepticon and he was always hungry,in which leads to him devouring Nuon City. Underbite surely likes the planet Earth. So much he wants to eat a part of it. I'm pretty sure that after the events of Freedom fighters,Underbite is taken to be reformatted.

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