**This is the history of Transformers Robots in disguise on YTV. There will be more than just one part. And no,i'm not talking about the old show from 2001.**
The beginning:
It all started back on Twitter. They posted some news about Transformers Robots in disguise coming on YTV. Then the YTV.Com site updated their cover page with Transformers Robots in disguise,meaning it was on the channel. The show indeed aired on that channel. Even the YTV Facebook page were talking about the show. However,something has happened.
The disappearance/The move to Teletoon:
Ever since Teletoon got the series,YTV has stoped airing it. You might want to know why. That is because Teletoon bought the show. So YTV lost their right for it. It happened with Pokemon. When Teletoon buys a show from YTV,the said shows sometimes gets off from the other channel program.
The show's time on Teletoon:
Transformers Robots in disguise was a huge thing on Teletoon back in 2015. There were a show's trailer on their facebook page. There is also a picture of the show on their facebook page as well. Teletoon had the show from 2015 to 2017,respectively. Reruns happened a lot.
Transformers Robots in disguise had promotions on both YTV and Teletoon. On YTV,it was on their YTV.Com site,which didn't last long. On Teletoon,it was not only on their Teletoon.Com site but on their Facebook page as well. They promoted Season 2 of the show by a contest of who is the best bot. That include Bumblebee,Optimus,Drift and Steeljaw. It also include minicons such as Jetstorm/Slipstream,Sawback,Buzzstrike and Ratbat. Each had their animation style,which means that two characters were meant to play major roles in the show by the time. Why would they be so much promoted like that in any shape of form?