**The tales of the Beast Hunters is way different than the Beast Hunters season we got in Transformers Prime series.**
Back in 2013,each Beast Hunters deluxe and voyager class toys came packed with a chapter of the so called ''Tales of the Beast Hunters'',which told us a different story of Season 3 of TFP.
There are 24 chapters in this long tale. The ending of Season 2 was different in this tale as the Autobot base was never destroyed,Dreadwing was still alive,Jackhammer was still operational and Prowl making an appearance. Predaking has emerged and the Autobots have focused themselves on discovering a mean of combating him in data recovered with one of the Iacon relics. Bumblebee find evidence that a Cybertronian spaceship with a cargo of ancient weapons is adrift in the Earth's solar system's asteroid belt and so he contact Wheeljack to procure transport and support for a journey to find the lost craft. Decrypting a transmission between Bumblebee and Wheeljack,Soundwave finds out that they have encountered and are heading towards an ancient cache of weaponry at a distant asteroid belt. Within minutes of Bumblebee and Wheeljack's departure,Megatron and Predaking head off to pursue them while Soundwave remains on Earth,monitoring enemy communications and assuring his leader that the two Autobots are alone. Knowing this,Megatron and Predaking are given the opportunity to easily eliminate the two Autobots and secure the weapon cache.

Floating in a hyper-evolution chamber,Lazerback overhear everything going around him,including whatever Shockwave says. Making up his mind not to be subservient to either Megatron or Predaking,Lazerback instead set out to destroy those who would be his master. Freed from his chamber,he steal a tracking device and make himself scarce. As Wheeljack and Bumblebee scour the solar system's asteroid belt,they encounter the hulk of an ancient starship. With Wheeljack's sensors detecting a vast amount of power in the ship's hold,the two Autobots go aboard and find dozens of crates containing powerful and unusual weaponry. As they start gathering these containers to load into their ship,they are startled when they find their path blocked by Megatron and Predaking. As Wheeljack's distress call is suddenly cut off,Optimus Prime rolls to the rescue, He ask Ratchet to overload the groundbridge,allowing him to warp to Wheeljack and Bumblebee's location in deep space but despite the Autobot medical officer's warnings that doing so will render the groundbridge inoperable and leave Optimus without a potential way back home,Optimus gather his bearings and jump through the portal.
Just as he passes through to the other side,his sensors are overwhelmed by the loud noises,the blinding,searing flames and the suffocating smoke of frantic combat but despite this,he accessed the situation in a short while and focus all of his fire on Predaking,in the hopes that Bumblebee and Wheeljack will be able to escape. Predaking ferociously attempts to hold off Optimus while simultaneously searching the ancient starship for the weapons the Autobots have come to find but meanwhile,no one has noticed the saboteur Lazerback who has come with the express purpose of getting rid of pretty much everyone present and to this end plant explosive around the place. As said explosives go off,Predaking is helpless to stop the Autobots from making off with a bunch of weapon crates and he attempt to make his own escape,only to watch as Megatron is sent plunging through the floor. Once Predaking return to the Nemesis with the news of the destruction of the derelict ship and Megatron being finished,everyone naturally blame Starscream. Starscream goes on the run and can only hope that Megatron is found alive before the other searching Decepticons catch up with him.

As Ripclaw emerges dazed from the hyper-evolution chamber,she hear the unusually monotone voice of Shockwave telling her that Predaking lives but is in danger from the enemies called Autobots,who have stolen weapons powerful enough to hurt the powerful king of the Predacons. Realizing that she's heard enough,Ripclaw breaks her way out of the laboratory and soar through the skies,using the highly developed olfactory sensors in her sensitive snout to sniff out potential clues concerning the stolen weaponry. She instead sniff out the cunning Lazerback,who tell her that the Decepticons have been spouting falsehoods and that Predaking is long gone. He then attempt to convince her that it is no reason to cease hunting down and slaughtering the Autobots and that the Decepticons deserve the same fate. The Autobots are having trouble figuring out how to activate the weapons Bumblebee brought back from the derelict starship so while Ratchet attempt to tackle the problem through careful study,Bulkhead takes one of the weapons out into the desert for some empirical testing. After several hours of fruitlessly trying to get it to work,he's about to give up when he's abruptly attacked by Ripclaw. The dragon manage to inflict nasty mech-venom sting on him before he start fighting back. As Bumblebee suffer from his injuries and Bulkhead creeps ever closer to full shutdown,only Smokescreen is left to solve the mystery of the Predacons' origins.
Soon enough,the sly Autobot is sneaking around an outlying Decepticon laboratory,his initial notion that the lab is deserted is definitively put to rest. When he encounter a room filled with large glass chambers,each containing a strange,cloudy liquid and the murky outline of a mechanical beast. Believing that this discovery is precisely what Optimus should know about,he proceed to leave only for Shockwave to block his exit. The one-eye scientist warn him that he should not have trespassed and raise his laser cannon. With Megatron's disappearance,Shockwave reasons that the Predacons now led by Predaking are going to be bad news for the Decepticons as well as the Autobots and so,he decided to terminate his cloning program but as he's shutting down the hyper-evolution chamber,he discover and Autobot spy and blame it on the Autobots,assuring the destruction of Optimus Prime' forces at the claws of the enraged Predaking. As Shockwave and Smokescreen do battle,Skystalker emerge from the anesthetic muck of his hyper-evolution chamber. The desire in the Predacon's spark to join the fight is quelled by his instinct,telling him to be patient and explore his surroundings and so he soon end up in a room full of strange equipment and quickly deduces that he is in a laboratory used for experimenting on him and the other Predacons. His calm,calculative thoughs are then drowned out by his seething anger as he indiscriminately destroy everything around him with the Cryostrike Disc Launchers in his spread wings.
Though Smokescreen has managed to return from Shockwave's lab with a number of data discs,Ratchet find that most of them have been damaged to the point where they can no longer be read. A few of them are able to be read however and Ratchet find they contain information on Shockwave's Predacon cloning process as well as details of the weapons Bumblebee retrieved from the derelict ship. Dreadwing locate the hiding place of Starscream,who has been accused of eliminating Megatron. His expectations of violent resistance are then broken as he find Starscream,who is unwilling to fight and give him an alibi: Why would he flee? If Starscream really terminated Megatron,the air commander would have immediately taken over as Decepticon leader. Having recently escaped from Shockwave's lab,Grimwing flies through the sky in an effort to clear his head,he remember being instructed by the Decepticon scientist while in the hyper-evolution chamber but refuses to believe that hunting Autobots is all there is to this unfamiliar world. Spotting an unfamiliar warrior robot far below,Grimwing descend to meet him peacefully,despite the protestations of his partner Blackbeak. Ultra Magnus see a giant ursogriff plunging through the sky toward him. Without hesitation,he know he has to defeat this monster before it can cause any havoc. Transforming into robot mode and leaping into the air,he strike the creature with a colossal blow by using the Forge of Solus Prime,which does Grimwing almost no damage,fazing him only momentarily.

Enraged at Magnus for demonstrating himself nothing more than a primitive thug,the Predacon waste no time in disarming and crippling his opponent,leaving him behind with a warning ringing in his audio sensors. Despite the Autobots' failure to learn the secrets of the ancient weapons discovered by Bumblebee,Optimus is not prepared to allow the Predacon threat continue unopposed. The defeat of his powerful lieutenant Ultra Magnus has forced the Autobot leader's hand. Taking the firebreath Cyclocannons in hope they can give him an edge,he heads out into the desert to search for Predaking. It doesn't take
long to find him. The Predacon warlord has himself been searching for Prime,eager to begin the destruction of the entire Autobot force with their leader. Before the fight can begin,Optimus receive a welcome transmission from Ratchet. The secrets of the mysterious weapons have been revealed and he is ready to power them up. Confident in his power and the frightful might of the Infernum Blade,Predaking track Optimus down to a bleak,windswept desert expanse. He can sense that the stolen arms the Autobot leader has decorated himself with are inactive and useless. Then something happens. Optimus' weapons surge with power and Predaking looks into his opponent's eyes and feels an unfamiliar emotion,which is fear. Tracking down the elusive Ripclaw in the Canadian Rockies,Arcee use her keen mind to find out just what has been going on. From the recent random attacks the Predacons have committed toward her Autobot comrades to the gathered intelligence suggesting that the Decepticons are in total panic,she deduces that the Decepticons are just as concerned with the Predacon problem as the Autobots,if not more. So cleverly,she send Ripclaw's coordinates to the Decepticons,hoping that they will deal with Ripclaw instead of risking more Autobot lives. In light of the disappearance of the Decepticon leadership and the Predacon rebellion,Knockout decided to flee to Earth,just as Shockwave comes to him with the same idea. Shockwave ask for assistance in packing up his lab and last two Predacon specimens and although Knockout isn't too happy about bringing a Predacon along on a trip meant to flee them,he acquiesces as long as it gets him safe from the current crisis.
Half asleep,Vertebreak rest within his hyper-evolution chamber waiting impatiently to be released. Although he can't see much through the murk of his capsule,he senses without giving much heed that he is being transported and that the data connections Shockwave wired into his mind have ceased communicating. Soon after,the chamber opens and an eager Vertebreak emerges,ready to hunt and fight on Cybertron. As he lies trapped under wreckage in the derelict spacecraft,Megatron's broken comms system allow him to monitor the events back on Earth and he's not happy about what's happening in his absence. Groping around under the rubble,he find an ancient weapon. One that he find familiar. It bonds to him,using the surrounding wreckage to repair and augment his body and soon Megatron stand reborn with a new weapon that may allow him to bring the Predacons back under Decepticon control. Driving down a remote road in the Countryside,Bumblebee can only grumble on and on about this simple patrol mission that Ratchet assigned to him. He understand that he's recently recovered from his injuries he suffered during the firefight aboard the derelict starship but he's ok now. Now that Predaking's tail has been kicked, why can't he be out with the other Autobots,hunting down the remaining Predacons whose leader doesn't even know have been activated?
More importantly,why is he stuck on patrol with Prowl? That cop car bot would'nt know fun and excitement it if ran up to him and pushed him down the exciting fun stairs. Bumblebee resigns himself for the dullest mission ever and that's when Megatron shows up. The sky booming like thunder as he descend from the stratosphere and shoot off the peak of a nearby mountain with his cannon. As Megatron attack,Prowl,with his tactical mind,analyze the situation. No sooner has he done that does he not notice numerous Predacons taking to the skies and converging toward Megatron. He then realize that Megatron is not amassing an army of dragons but is intending to finish them in fear of the consequences. Should their leader notice that they live. Bumblebee prepare to charge into the fight,only to be stopped by Prowl with his reasoning. Why join the fight when both Megatron and the Predacons are more than capable of destroying each other?
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