**Transformers Prime Season 3 was meant to be different than what we got. Plus you'll get info about the cancelled Season 4**

The Predacons were intended for Season 3 from the start,but the actual idea for Season 3 was to be set mostly on Cybertron with Maximals and Predacons on a wild west kind of setting. Pretty much like a Beast Wars kind of stuff. Seaspray was going to return and join the Autobots,which mean he would have survived from the attack from Dreadwing in Season 2. Miko would have traveled to Japan. Cosmos was intended to be in Season 3. Predaking was eventually going to be killed by Optimus at the end of the Season. Megatron would have been next. The Autobots were apparently going to be called the Beast Hunters.
According to Jeffrey Comb,Season 3 would have been longer than 13 episodes. He said that there should be 16. Not 13. Or perhaps he counted Predacons Rising since that movie is a compilation of 3 episodes. Thundertron and his crew were going to be introduced and were originally going to be the main villain in Season 4 and they were pirates,meaning that Megatron was either going to be finished before Season 4 or he was going to be a Sharkticon like the toyline. The design director wanted Optimus to be green.
A Shattered Glass idea was proposed for TFP as well. It's some kind of altered universe where the Autobots are evil and the Decepticons are good. There were more Predacons planned and a combiner named Abominus,formed by 5 Predacons. The Predacons were originally going to have their own symbol,like the Autobots and the Decepticons. Another reason why the original plans for Season 3 was changed is because Arron Archer got replaced by a new guy with new ideas. The Prime director changed BH plans and clashed with Hasbro.