lundi 28 janvier 2019

Transformers RID Season 2 Lost Plot/episode

**This is part two of my investigation about Drift's third minicon,Velocirazor.

There was meant to have a episode in Season 2 when Drift gets a new minicon but that was scrapped. Yes,I did hear about Drift having a third minicon way back in 2016 when Season 2 came out. This minicon was meant to be Velocirazor. If the lost episode would have happened,it would be called Drift's find. The plot of the episode would have Drift noticing a minicon and follow him while the other Autobots are occupied with something. Little did they know that there was a Decepticon nearby to attack them. Drift contact help but he has no luck. Then Velocirazor's past will get revealed. The Decepticon (Let's call him Popzard.) manage to separate both of them at some point but the other Autobots arrive to help Drift catch Popzard. Velocirazor decide to follow Drift's orders and after Popzard has been defeated,Drift request Velocirazor to join him.
Yes,I did say the plot of the lost episode in my previous investigation but I did it again for a reason. There is another proof that Velocirazor would have been Drift's minicon. In the toyline,we have a Velocirazor toy and the packaging had Drift deploying Velocirazor. This minicon is a dinosaur but he's also a samurai,which match Drift's personality. Now get ready for part 3 of my investigation.

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