**This is a backstory that I covered for Blastwave.**
With Blastwave,there's no such things as ''hold your fire'',especially when it comes to Decepticons. The Autobot operates as the high-tech weapons base for the Autobot team,knowing just the right equipment to take out the Decepticons. Mess with him and prepare to get blown to bits. After the war started,he lost his voice. Things were getting harder for him. A few years later,he became a Bounty Hunter. His first job was to arrest Nightra,the Autobot who became a criminal. Unfortunately for him,Nightra escaped and stole his ID badge and light bender. He's then blamed for his actions. He located Nightra on Earth where he battled the Autobots wondering why they attacked him. Later,he managed to capture Nightra but when the Autobots defeated him,he revealed that she is the actual criminal and that he lost his voice. At least,he know sign language. Apparently,his voice got ripped the same why Bumblebee's voice was ripped. After Strongarm arrested Nightra,he got his ID badge and his light bender back. He then drove his ship to somewhere possibly to find more criminals since he didn't return to Cybertron.
jeudi 31 janvier 2019
Fracture's backstory
**This is a backstory for Fracture since they never explained it in the show.**
A Bounty Hunter by trade,Fracture has absolutely no scruples as far as what he'll do to bring in his quarry. No tactic too underhanded,no trick too dirty and certainly no worries whatsoever about messily eliminating any competition for a bounty.
As far as we know the High Council,they were possibly the ones who sent both Fracture and Drift on Earth to capture the bounty on Bumblebee. So,Fracture is backed up by two minicons,Airazor and Divebomb. They're most often deployed to provide distractions or mop up anyone who might get between Fracture and his prey. He grew a rivalry with Drift and sworn to get revenge on him for taking his bounties. He later joined Steeljaw for having a deal with him. But that didn't last long as he's later seen in the Scrapyard using Divebomb and Airazor to free the Cyclone minicons Backtrack and Ransack. He then had the idea to get them to join him but he had no luck. The day after,he was captured in the Scrapyard by Optimus,Fixit and the humans in which explain why he has not rejoin Steeljaw during the Megatronus event. Back on Cybertron in a stasis pod,Cyclonus was furious at the fact that Fracture has failed his mission so he had no choice but to use Quillfire to join Steeljaw's pack instead to catch Bumblebee,even though he had a back up plan with Dropforge.
A Bounty Hunter by trade,Fracture has absolutely no scruples as far as what he'll do to bring in his quarry. No tactic too underhanded,no trick too dirty and certainly no worries whatsoever about messily eliminating any competition for a bounty.
As far as we know the High Council,they were possibly the ones who sent both Fracture and Drift on Earth to capture the bounty on Bumblebee. So,Fracture is backed up by two minicons,Airazor and Divebomb. They're most often deployed to provide distractions or mop up anyone who might get between Fracture and his prey. He grew a rivalry with Drift and sworn to get revenge on him for taking his bounties. He later joined Steeljaw for having a deal with him. But that didn't last long as he's later seen in the Scrapyard using Divebomb and Airazor to free the Cyclone minicons Backtrack and Ransack. He then had the idea to get them to join him but he had no luck. The day after,he was captured in the Scrapyard by Optimus,Fixit and the humans in which explain why he has not rejoin Steeljaw during the Megatronus event. Back on Cybertron in a stasis pod,Cyclonus was furious at the fact that Fracture has failed his mission so he had no choice but to use Quillfire to join Steeljaw's pack instead to catch Bumblebee,even though he had a back up plan with Dropforge.
Underbite's backstory
**This is to cover Underbite's backstory. Yes,I choose him because he's my special Decepticon.**
Two things rule the thought processes of Underbite: eating and bragging. This Decepticon Chompazoid is extraordinarily proud of his strength,which increase as he consume metal. To him,everything is a workout,all in the goal of pumping up and bulking out. He's even gone so far as to name his forearms Thundercruncher and Boltsmasher. He kiss them.
One thing for sure: He devoured Nuon City. He has a steady diet of metal to masticate. It seems that Grimlock know Underbite for a long time and even know that he devoured Nuon City to begin with. This mean that Underbite actually know Grimlock too. Both of them were aboard the Alchemor,of course but there is more to their story. My best guess is that Underbite and Grimlock were childhood friends back on Cybertron. Maybe before the war started. So why are they enemies in the show? It's all because of the war. Underbite became a Decepticon and he was always hungry,in which leads to him devouring Nuon City. Underbite surely likes the planet Earth. So much he wants to eat a part of it. I'm pretty sure that after the events of Freedom fighters,Underbite is taken to be reformatted.
Two things rule the thought processes of Underbite: eating and bragging. This Decepticon Chompazoid is extraordinarily proud of his strength,which increase as he consume metal. To him,everything is a workout,all in the goal of pumping up and bulking out. He's even gone so far as to name his forearms Thundercruncher and Boltsmasher. He kiss them.
One thing for sure: He devoured Nuon City. He has a steady diet of metal to masticate. It seems that Grimlock know Underbite for a long time and even know that he devoured Nuon City to begin with. This mean that Underbite actually know Grimlock too. Both of them were aboard the Alchemor,of course but there is more to their story. My best guess is that Underbite and Grimlock were childhood friends back on Cybertron. Maybe before the war started. So why are they enemies in the show? It's all because of the war. Underbite became a Decepticon and he was always hungry,in which leads to him devouring Nuon City. Underbite surely likes the planet Earth. So much he wants to eat a part of it. I'm pretty sure that after the events of Freedom fighters,Underbite is taken to be reformatted.
Quillfire's backstory
**This is the backstory for Quillfire**
Quillfire is a anarchist who took Megatron's call for social upheaval and ran with it. Considering himself the leader of his self styled revolution,Quillfire lashes out at anyone and anything he consider ''authority'' no matter how minor their control may be. Well after Megatron's exile,Quillfire find himself with Steeljaw in which helps him to revolt on Cybertron. He's very loyal to Steeljaw and that is until then they were both arrested and put aboard the Alchemor. On Earth,Quillfire manage to hit Bumblebee with his quills and wreak havoc at a attraction park. Bumblebee managed to defeat him. He was then accidentally freed from stasis alongside Springload. They were arrested,of course. When Steeljaw broke into the Scrapyard,he freed his old friend Quillfire. Quillfire then teamed up with some minicons to obtain supplies. He was sent to Cybertron in a stasis pod. The High Council freed Steeljaw in whom he chose his gang to help him get revenge on Bumblebee. It's obvious that he chose Quillfire because he's like the ''junior self'' to him. Returned to Earth,they destroyed the Scrapyard. They lured the Autobots to the Crown River Dam where they battled. He then located Bumblebee and captured him. But whenever he see Steeljaw is weak,he run to him to secure,always making sure he's ok. This mean that Steeljaw and Quillfire are actually close together. Steeljaw is a hero to him,which explain why he often says ''For the hero of revolution''.
Quillfire is a anarchist who took Megatron's call for social upheaval and ran with it. Considering himself the leader of his self styled revolution,Quillfire lashes out at anyone and anything he consider ''authority'' no matter how minor their control may be. Well after Megatron's exile,Quillfire find himself with Steeljaw in which helps him to revolt on Cybertron. He's very loyal to Steeljaw and that is until then they were both arrested and put aboard the Alchemor. On Earth,Quillfire manage to hit Bumblebee with his quills and wreak havoc at a attraction park. Bumblebee managed to defeat him. He was then accidentally freed from stasis alongside Springload. They were arrested,of course. When Steeljaw broke into the Scrapyard,he freed his old friend Quillfire. Quillfire then teamed up with some minicons to obtain supplies. He was sent to Cybertron in a stasis pod. The High Council freed Steeljaw in whom he chose his gang to help him get revenge on Bumblebee. It's obvious that he chose Quillfire because he's like the ''junior self'' to him. Returned to Earth,they destroyed the Scrapyard. They lured the Autobots to the Crown River Dam where they battled. He then located Bumblebee and captured him. But whenever he see Steeljaw is weak,he run to him to secure,always making sure he's ok. This mean that Steeljaw and Quillfire are actually close together. Steeljaw is a hero to him,which explain why he often says ''For the hero of revolution''.
lundi 28 janvier 2019
Transformers RID Season 2 Lost Plot/episode
**This is part two of my investigation about Drift's third minicon,Velocirazor.
There was meant to have a episode in Season 2 when Drift gets a new minicon but that was scrapped. Yes,I did hear about Drift having a third minicon way back in 2016 when Season 2 came out. This minicon was meant to be Velocirazor. If the lost episode would have happened,it would be called Drift's find. The plot of the episode would have Drift noticing a minicon and follow him while the other Autobots are occupied with something. Little did they know that there was a Decepticon nearby to attack them. Drift contact help but he has no luck. Then Velocirazor's past will get revealed. The Decepticon (Let's call him Popzard.) manage to separate both of them at some point but the other Autobots arrive to help Drift catch Popzard. Velocirazor decide to follow Drift's orders and after Popzard has been defeated,Drift request Velocirazor to join him.
Yes,I did say the plot of the lost episode in my previous investigation but I did it again for a reason. There is another proof that Velocirazor would have been Drift's minicon. In the toyline,we have a Velocirazor toy and the packaging had Drift deploying Velocirazor. This minicon is a dinosaur but he's also a samurai,which match Drift's personality. Now get ready for part 3 of my investigation.
There was meant to have a episode in Season 2 when Drift gets a new minicon but that was scrapped. Yes,I did hear about Drift having a third minicon way back in 2016 when Season 2 came out. This minicon was meant to be Velocirazor. If the lost episode would have happened,it would be called Drift's find. The plot of the episode would have Drift noticing a minicon and follow him while the other Autobots are occupied with something. Little did they know that there was a Decepticon nearby to attack them. Drift contact help but he has no luck. Then Velocirazor's past will get revealed. The Decepticon (Let's call him Popzard.) manage to separate both of them at some point but the other Autobots arrive to help Drift catch Popzard. Velocirazor decide to follow Drift's orders and after Popzard has been defeated,Drift request Velocirazor to join him.
Yes,I did say the plot of the lost episode in my previous investigation but I did it again for a reason. There is another proof that Velocirazor would have been Drift's minicon. In the toyline,we have a Velocirazor toy and the packaging had Drift deploying Velocirazor. This minicon is a dinosaur but he's also a samurai,which match Drift's personality. Now get ready for part 3 of my investigation.
Drift's third minicon
**This is simply something that I heard of in 2016 when Season 2 of Transformers Robots in disguise came out that got scrapped.
Way back in 2016 when Season 2 of Transformers Robots in disguise came out,I heard from one of the writers that Drift was having a third minicon prior to Season 2. This was of course scrapped out because it was apparently a reference to Drift's voice actor,Eric Bauza having a third baby,being a father. I wish this idea was'nt scrapped because they hinted that Drift was getting a new minicon after all and it would have been interesting to see how it turns out. So who's that minicon hinted for Season 2? My best guess is Velocirazor because this minicon despite being a dinosaur,is a samurai. You hear me that right. It make sense because Drift is a samurai,after all. What would have happened with Velocirazor? Maybe Drift notice him and has decided to follow him for a while. Then a Decepticon comes and attack both Drift and Velocirazor. Drift contact for help but no luck. Velocirazor's past could have been revealed. The Decepticon manage to separate both of them at some point but soon the Autobots arrive and help Drift catch the Decepticon. Velocirazor decide to follow Drift's orders. After the Decepticon is defeated,Drift request Velocirazor to join him.
Why it didn't happen to begin with? It's likely because of Hasbro's denial or that they rejected the idea. More investigation on this will come soon.
Way back in 2016 when Season 2 of Transformers Robots in disguise came out,I heard from one of the writers that Drift was having a third minicon prior to Season 2. This was of course scrapped out because it was apparently a reference to Drift's voice actor,Eric Bauza having a third baby,being a father. I wish this idea was'nt scrapped because they hinted that Drift was getting a new minicon after all and it would have been interesting to see how it turns out. So who's that minicon hinted for Season 2? My best guess is Velocirazor because this minicon despite being a dinosaur,is a samurai. You hear me that right. It make sense because Drift is a samurai,after all. What would have happened with Velocirazor? Maybe Drift notice him and has decided to follow him for a while. Then a Decepticon comes and attack both Drift and Velocirazor. Drift contact for help but no luck. Velocirazor's past could have been revealed. The Decepticon manage to separate both of them at some point but soon the Autobots arrive and help Drift catch the Decepticon. Velocirazor decide to follow Drift's orders. After the Decepticon is defeated,Drift request Velocirazor to join him.
Why it didn't happen to begin with? It's likely because of Hasbro's denial or that they rejected the idea. More investigation on this will come soon.
mercredi 23 janvier 2019
Original Plot for episode 8
Here is the original plot for episode 8 of Season 1 of Transformers Robots in disguise
Steeljaw secretly send a Nitan,a louse like thing into Grimlock's body to control him. Grimlock is sent to attack a car junkyard and obtain Tusk's stasis pod. Bumblebee and Sideswipe manage to expel Minitron and bring Grimlock back to normal. Steeljack and Tusk escape.
Steeljaw secretly send a Nitan,a louse like thing into Grimlock's body to control him. Grimlock is sent to attack a car junkyard and obtain Tusk's stasis pod. Bumblebee and Sideswipe manage to expel Minitron and bring Grimlock back to normal. Steeljack and Tusk escape.
mardi 15 janvier 2019
Jetstorm and Slipstream's backstory
**This is to explain their backstory in full.**
Jetstorm and Slipstream were once students of the Decepticon Shadow Raker who was primarily interested in teaching them to steal. When fellow student Deadlock (Drift) left,he took the minicons with him as it's not easy for them to get a miserable life of being thieves.
Who were they before being Shadow Raker's students? They were both orphans. Slipstream walk passed Serenity yard during his childhood and lost his ball bearing from another minicon,Ransack. He sworn to get revenge on him one day and that's why he learned to steal. As for Jetstorm,he was found my Shadow Raker. Both Jetstorm and Slipstream were blacklisted by the High Council for being a supporter of Optimus Prime. They also knew that Drift used to be a Decepticon. They accompanied Drift to Earth when he went to collect the bounty on Bumblebee and immediately found themselves tangling with Fracture and his minicons. Jetstorm managed to rope Airazor only to be reprimanded by Drift for showing off. The Decepticons retreated and the Autobots returned to their scrapyard base where the two minicons were kept entertained by Russell and Fixit. They reattached themselves to Drift when Fixit detected a cybertronian life signal and later when Fracture attacked,Drift ordered the pair to protect Bumblebee. Despite their orders,the two minicons were drawn to protect Russell and Fixit from the Decepticon minicons and during a distraction,the pair hijacked Fracture's ship,freeing the captured Autobots and using it to threaten Fracture. Unfortunately, they crashed the ship but they did get some rare praise from Drift before they left the planet. After accidentally polishing Drift's sword incorrectly,Jetstorm fled in an escape pod rather than face his master's wrath. Arriving on Earth,he instead intended to become Russell's student. However,Drift and Slipstream came in search for him. He conceded that he would be more useful in the fight teamed with them. Russell continued to stick up for Jetstorm and following a run in with Quillfire and Springload who had commanded a giant tank,Drift decided he and his his wards would stay with Bumblebee's team to learn cooperation. The two minicons and their master accompanied Bumblebee's team to a derelict ship at the bottom of the ship off the coast where they attempted to capture Octopunch. While moving through the ship's corridors,they became trapped with Sideswipe and attempted to spend their time in captivity meditating until they were eventually able to escape. Following Filch's escape,Jetstorm and Slipstream created sparks with their swords,luring her in so Denny could catch her with his electromagnet. After doubt was thrown on Drift's motives,Drift left the team and Bumblebee tried to interrogate Jetstorm and Slipstream to find out what they knew. The pair eventually opened up after Russell won them over and admitted they knew Drift used to be a Decepticon. A short time later,the Scrapyard was taken over by Foxtrot and Stilts but Jetstorm and Russell were able to escape into the woods and alert Drift to the situation. They posed as Drift's prisoners so the Autobot could pretend to be a Decepticon and free the captive team Bee.
Jetstorm and Slipstream were once students of the Decepticon Shadow Raker who was primarily interested in teaching them to steal. When fellow student Deadlock (Drift) left,he took the minicons with him as it's not easy for them to get a miserable life of being thieves.
Who were they before being Shadow Raker's students? They were both orphans. Slipstream walk passed Serenity yard during his childhood and lost his ball bearing from another minicon,Ransack. He sworn to get revenge on him one day and that's why he learned to steal. As for Jetstorm,he was found my Shadow Raker. Both Jetstorm and Slipstream were blacklisted by the High Council for being a supporter of Optimus Prime. They also knew that Drift used to be a Decepticon. They accompanied Drift to Earth when he went to collect the bounty on Bumblebee and immediately found themselves tangling with Fracture and his minicons. Jetstorm managed to rope Airazor only to be reprimanded by Drift for showing off. The Decepticons retreated and the Autobots returned to their scrapyard base where the two minicons were kept entertained by Russell and Fixit. They reattached themselves to Drift when Fixit detected a cybertronian life signal and later when Fracture attacked,Drift ordered the pair to protect Bumblebee. Despite their orders,the two minicons were drawn to protect Russell and Fixit from the Decepticon minicons and during a distraction,the pair hijacked Fracture's ship,freeing the captured Autobots and using it to threaten Fracture. Unfortunately, they crashed the ship but they did get some rare praise from Drift before they left the planet. After accidentally polishing Drift's sword incorrectly,Jetstorm fled in an escape pod rather than face his master's wrath. Arriving on Earth,he instead intended to become Russell's student. However,Drift and Slipstream came in search for him. He conceded that he would be more useful in the fight teamed with them. Russell continued to stick up for Jetstorm and following a run in with Quillfire and Springload who had commanded a giant tank,Drift decided he and his his wards would stay with Bumblebee's team to learn cooperation. The two minicons and their master accompanied Bumblebee's team to a derelict ship at the bottom of the ship off the coast where they attempted to capture Octopunch. While moving through the ship's corridors,they became trapped with Sideswipe and attempted to spend their time in captivity meditating until they were eventually able to escape. Following Filch's escape,Jetstorm and Slipstream created sparks with their swords,luring her in so Denny could catch her with his electromagnet. After doubt was thrown on Drift's motives,Drift left the team and Bumblebee tried to interrogate Jetstorm and Slipstream to find out what they knew. The pair eventually opened up after Russell won them over and admitted they knew Drift used to be a Decepticon. A short time later,the Scrapyard was taken over by Foxtrot and Stilts but Jetstorm and Russell were able to escape into the woods and alert Drift to the situation. They posed as Drift's prisoners so the Autobot could pretend to be a Decepticon and free the captive team Bee.
English translated titles of the episodes.
**This is a full list of English translated titles of the episodes through their French titles.**
Episode 1: New mission on Earth
Episode 2: The devourer
Episode 3: Building trust
Episode 4: More than meets the eyes
Episode 5: A day at the museum
Episode 6: Under the orders of the Kospego
Episode 7: A high-flying thief
Episode 8: Friend or foe
Episode 9: Pursuit in the jungle
Episode 10: Fighting underground
Episode 11: A nanny for Bumblebee
Episode 12: The hunting season
Episode 13: The eye of the storm
Episode 14: The secret of Strongarm
Episode 15: Not afraid
Episode 16: Sideswipe loses his head
Episode 17: Honour above all
Episode 18: The injury to Grimlock
Episode 19: The champion
Episode 20: Dysfunction
Episode 21: State of siege
Episode 22: Sworn friends
Episode 23: The queen bee
Episode 24: Ghosts and impostors
Episode 25: The return of Optimus
Episode 26: The revenge of Megatronus
Episode 27: Overload Part 1
Episode 28: Overload Part 2
Episode 29: Metal fusion
Episode 30: All fire,all flames
Episode 31: Close protection
Episode 32: All in the head
Episode 33: A smokescreen
Episode 34: A concert for Bumblebee
Episode 35: Impounded
Episode 36: Portals
Episode 37: Combat graduation
Episode 38: Decepticon Island Part 1
Episode 39: Decepticon Island Part 2
Episode 40: Lessons from the past
Episode 41: Strongarm mark points
Episode 42: The logic of Pretzels
Episode 43: Very big trouble
Episode 44: The revenge of Starscream
Episode 45: The missing minicon
Episode 46: The king of the hill Part 1
Episode 47: The king of the hill Part 2
Episode 48: Defrosted
Episode 49: The newbie
Episode 50: The Autobot lose the ball
Episode 51: The cool Bumblebee
Episode 52: The great divide
Episode 53: Explosive investigation
Episode 54: Out of the shadows
Episode 55: Exchange of personalities
Episode 56: Presumed guilty
Episode 57: The golden knight
Episode 58: Subway,work,super hero
Episode 59: Imminent impact
Episode 60: An opponent of size
Episode 61: Unity is strength
Episode 62: Exiles
Episode 63: Need space
Episode 64: A fun job
Episode 65: Alert at the central
Episode 66: The big thrill
Episode 67: Three hiccups and then go away
Episode 68: An antidote for bot
Episode 69: Five fugitives
Episode 70: Enemy of my enemy
Episode 71: Freedom fighters
Episode 1: New mission on Earth
Episode 2: The devourer
Episode 3: Building trust
Episode 4: More than meets the eyes
Episode 5: A day at the museum
Episode 6: Under the orders of the Kospego
Episode 7: A high-flying thief
Episode 8: Friend or foe
Episode 9: Pursuit in the jungle
Episode 10: Fighting underground
Episode 11: A nanny for Bumblebee
Episode 12: The hunting season
Episode 13: The eye of the storm
Episode 14: The secret of Strongarm
Episode 15: Not afraid
Episode 16: Sideswipe loses his head
Episode 17: Honour above all
Episode 18: The injury to Grimlock
Episode 19: The champion
Episode 20: Dysfunction
Episode 21: State of siege
Episode 22: Sworn friends
Episode 23: The queen bee
Episode 24: Ghosts and impostors
Episode 25: The return of Optimus
Episode 26: The revenge of Megatronus
Episode 27: Overload Part 1
Episode 28: Overload Part 2
Episode 29: Metal fusion
Episode 30: All fire,all flames
Episode 31: Close protection
Episode 32: All in the head
Episode 33: A smokescreen
Episode 34: A concert for Bumblebee
Episode 35: Impounded
Episode 36: Portals
Episode 37: Combat graduation
Episode 38: Decepticon Island Part 1
Episode 39: Decepticon Island Part 2
Episode 40: Lessons from the past
Episode 41: Strongarm mark points
Episode 42: The logic of Pretzels
Episode 43: Very big trouble
Episode 44: The revenge of Starscream
Episode 45: The missing minicon
Episode 46: The king of the hill Part 1
Episode 47: The king of the hill Part 2
Episode 48: Defrosted
Episode 49: The newbie
Episode 50: The Autobot lose the ball
Episode 51: The cool Bumblebee
Episode 52: The great divide
Episode 53: Explosive investigation
Episode 54: Out of the shadows
Episode 55: Exchange of personalities
Episode 56: Presumed guilty
Episode 57: The golden knight
Episode 58: Subway,work,super hero
Episode 59: Imminent impact
Episode 60: An opponent of size
Episode 61: Unity is strength
Episode 62: Exiles
Episode 63: Need space
Episode 64: A fun job
Episode 65: Alert at the central
Episode 66: The big thrill
Episode 67: Three hiccups and then go away
Episode 68: An antidote for bot
Episode 69: Five fugitives
Episode 70: Enemy of my enemy
Episode 71: Freedom fighters
dimanche 13 janvier 2019
My Review Of Transformers Robots In Disguise
**This is my review on the show and here you'll see my own opinion about it. If you have a problem with my opinion,then understand that we're all different and that I may don't have the same opinion as yours. I'm free to say what I need to say and I hope that nobody will get offended. Now let's start my review**
Characters development:
Some characters are great but there are some problems within their development during the show. Sideswipe learn something and then in the next episode,he forget everything he learns and act like a spoiled child. Strongarm's development was good for a reason. She did her best to follow Bumblebee's orders and she's also well done at educating Sideswipe to let him know what things he does wrong and all. Grimlock turned from a prisoner to a good guy at heart to help the team. Drift was the one character who was well done. They cared to give him his backstory and personality to him. I feel like not any Decepticons had development because they're villains of the week and most of them had short times on screen. They didn't explain the Decepticons from Decepticon Island to begin with. And what about Kickback's crush? Nothing was explained at all. Not even her name was mentioned. It was a waste of opportunity,right there.
The story
The plot of the story was meh. The story was meant to be Bumblebee being the leader of his own team as the ghost/spirit of Optimus send him as message to capture the Decepticons on Earth. Sometime between the show,the plot was forgotten and Optimus came back from being a ghost to a actual alive character to join the story. He should have stayed as a ghost because that's what the plot was to begin with. Not for him to return as a alive character. Of course we saw that he was in the Realm of the Primes due to the other Primes saving Optimus from his death but it shouldn't have happened. It was repetitive as well because like I said earlier in the review,Decepticons of the week so the Bee team could catch them. Every single episodes. Instead of adding Decepticons of the week,why not focusing of the Bee team VS Steeljaw's pack? Wasn't it supposed to be the focus of Season 1?
The maturity of the show
The show isn't really mature because it's more of a kid friendly show but there were times when the show was mature enough. We got some adult jokes and episode 17 and 18 of Combiner Force were dark. One thing that they shouldn't have done is making Russell saying the ''p'' word in episode 24 of Combiner Force because it's a sexual word and was meant for grown ups. I don't think that kids should hear that word since they're too young and also the fact that it was very dirty toward them. If some kids are mature enough to understand about sex,I can understand but really,it's not something kids should know.
The design
Most of the designs were great but the only problem is that they used repaints of other characters and being too lazy to make a new design and such. Hasbro,you're making the Decepticons feel like shiny variations of used characters on the show. Just like pokemon. It's not a good idea at all. Strongarm mentioned a horse in Season 1 episode 23. Why not having a horse like Decepticon?
Season 1
It was meant to introduce new fans of the franchise. Also,it should have focused on the Team Bee VS Steeljaw's pack. Sure it's repetitive but in this season,Bumblebee kept trying to locate Steeljaw and where is his hideout. Fracture's deal for joining Steeljaw also should be considered something to see. I mean,how did he end up joining him to begin with?
Season 2
It should have focused on Glowstrike and her crew on Decepticon Island. She didn't fight the Autobots at all. Not even a mention of what her crime was. Kickback also didn't explain when he joined Glowstrike's crew. Optimus and Bumblebee arguing at each other for leadership was bullshit. The minicons in this season were too cute. Minicons with designs like Jetstorm's and Slipstream's would be a better option. I understand,animal looking minicons. But most of them are too cute to be animals and some of them were not that dangerous.
Season 3
It was the shortest season ever and they pleased fans by having Starscream. The plot of the Scavenger was'nt fully shown nor was for the Weaponizer minicons. This season was wasted.
Season 4
The last season was the best,in my opinion. They returned some characters and the revelation of what was going on on Cybertron was a total plot twist of the show. But this was the season who got me into a traumatic event at some point when they used my needlephobia 3 times in this season. One time in Season 1 but Season 4 went too far. Also the season who got me pissed at Optimus for taking away Drift. The missed opportunity in Combiner Force was the minicons. I rather have talking minicons instead of minicons who are mutes. Sure the Activators had their way of speaking such as communicating by their eyes but that was boring. And why not the minicons partner up with the heroes? Stuntwing and Hi-Test did with Bumblebee and Optimus but why not the others? It's like everyone is not allowed to have a minicon partner except for Drift.
The missed opportunity
Some episodes were lost for unknown reasons and alongside,some Decepticons were also lost as well. They could have used Decepticon Bludgeon in the show but due to kids,they decided to add a minicon version of Bludgeon to make it kid friendly. Most people were waiting to see Sunstreaker to appear but in the end,no episodes with him. The minicons should have all talked. Hasbro shouldn't have denied Great Byte. We got Sawtooth but another shark like minicon wouldn't hurt. Flashbacks were also needed. Like what Cyclonus did to the old High Council? You expect us to guess instead of giving an explanation? Jazz showing up in Season 1 was fine but waiting 3 more seasons to see him again? It's too much. The biggest missed opportunity in the entire show is not giving a chance for Clampdown to join the Autobots at the end of episode 20 of Combiner Force. He did anything to help them and even saved Bee and Strongarm. Steeljaw's brother Phantomjaw would make the show better. What about Hank,Russell's friend? She should have known the truth about the robots too. Most Decepticons were innocent instead of being evil and yet,they get captured. The last opportunity was Megatron. It's sad that after being mentioned over and over in the show,he never appeared.
Should RID be considered a reboot?
Characters development:
Some characters are great but there are some problems within their development during the show. Sideswipe learn something and then in the next episode,he forget everything he learns and act like a spoiled child. Strongarm's development was good for a reason. She did her best to follow Bumblebee's orders and she's also well done at educating Sideswipe to let him know what things he does wrong and all. Grimlock turned from a prisoner to a good guy at heart to help the team. Drift was the one character who was well done. They cared to give him his backstory and personality to him. I feel like not any Decepticons had development because they're villains of the week and most of them had short times on screen. They didn't explain the Decepticons from Decepticon Island to begin with. And what about Kickback's crush? Nothing was explained at all. Not even her name was mentioned. It was a waste of opportunity,right there.
The story
The plot of the story was meh. The story was meant to be Bumblebee being the leader of his own team as the ghost/spirit of Optimus send him as message to capture the Decepticons on Earth. Sometime between the show,the plot was forgotten and Optimus came back from being a ghost to a actual alive character to join the story. He should have stayed as a ghost because that's what the plot was to begin with. Not for him to return as a alive character. Of course we saw that he was in the Realm of the Primes due to the other Primes saving Optimus from his death but it shouldn't have happened. It was repetitive as well because like I said earlier in the review,Decepticons of the week so the Bee team could catch them. Every single episodes. Instead of adding Decepticons of the week,why not focusing of the Bee team VS Steeljaw's pack? Wasn't it supposed to be the focus of Season 1?
The maturity of the show
The show isn't really mature because it's more of a kid friendly show but there were times when the show was mature enough. We got some adult jokes and episode 17 and 18 of Combiner Force were dark. One thing that they shouldn't have done is making Russell saying the ''p'' word in episode 24 of Combiner Force because it's a sexual word and was meant for grown ups. I don't think that kids should hear that word since they're too young and also the fact that it was very dirty toward them. If some kids are mature enough to understand about sex,I can understand but really,it's not something kids should know.
The design
Most of the designs were great but the only problem is that they used repaints of other characters and being too lazy to make a new design and such. Hasbro,you're making the Decepticons feel like shiny variations of used characters on the show. Just like pokemon. It's not a good idea at all. Strongarm mentioned a horse in Season 1 episode 23. Why not having a horse like Decepticon?
Season 1
It was meant to introduce new fans of the franchise. Also,it should have focused on the Team Bee VS Steeljaw's pack. Sure it's repetitive but in this season,Bumblebee kept trying to locate Steeljaw and where is his hideout. Fracture's deal for joining Steeljaw also should be considered something to see. I mean,how did he end up joining him to begin with?
Season 2
It should have focused on Glowstrike and her crew on Decepticon Island. She didn't fight the Autobots at all. Not even a mention of what her crime was. Kickback also didn't explain when he joined Glowstrike's crew. Optimus and Bumblebee arguing at each other for leadership was bullshit. The minicons in this season were too cute. Minicons with designs like Jetstorm's and Slipstream's would be a better option. I understand,animal looking minicons. But most of them are too cute to be animals and some of them were not that dangerous.
Season 3
It was the shortest season ever and they pleased fans by having Starscream. The plot of the Scavenger was'nt fully shown nor was for the Weaponizer minicons. This season was wasted.
Season 4
The last season was the best,in my opinion. They returned some characters and the revelation of what was going on on Cybertron was a total plot twist of the show. But this was the season who got me into a traumatic event at some point when they used my needlephobia 3 times in this season. One time in Season 1 but Season 4 went too far. Also the season who got me pissed at Optimus for taking away Drift. The missed opportunity in Combiner Force was the minicons. I rather have talking minicons instead of minicons who are mutes. Sure the Activators had their way of speaking such as communicating by their eyes but that was boring. And why not the minicons partner up with the heroes? Stuntwing and Hi-Test did with Bumblebee and Optimus but why not the others? It's like everyone is not allowed to have a minicon partner except for Drift.
The missed opportunity
Some episodes were lost for unknown reasons and alongside,some Decepticons were also lost as well. They could have used Decepticon Bludgeon in the show but due to kids,they decided to add a minicon version of Bludgeon to make it kid friendly. Most people were waiting to see Sunstreaker to appear but in the end,no episodes with him. The minicons should have all talked. Hasbro shouldn't have denied Great Byte. We got Sawtooth but another shark like minicon wouldn't hurt. Flashbacks were also needed. Like what Cyclonus did to the old High Council? You expect us to guess instead of giving an explanation? Jazz showing up in Season 1 was fine but waiting 3 more seasons to see him again? It's too much. The biggest missed opportunity in the entire show is not giving a chance for Clampdown to join the Autobots at the end of episode 20 of Combiner Force. He did anything to help them and even saved Bee and Strongarm. Steeljaw's brother Phantomjaw would make the show better. What about Hank,Russell's friend? She should have known the truth about the robots too. Most Decepticons were innocent instead of being evil and yet,they get captured. The last opportunity was Megatron. It's sad that after being mentioned over and over in the show,he never appeared.
Should RID be considered a reboot?
Well,it can be somehow because the idea of the Autobots catching Decepticon prisoners is something new to me and maybe to all of us. It's a new concept and I enjoyed it. Plus Bumblebee being the leader of the Autobots instead of Optimus and Steeljaw being the leader of the Decepticons instead of Megatron. It's a good change. Keep in mind that most reboots are also considered as spinoffs or I should say,reboot-spinoffs.
The Minicons
To be quite honest,I like the idea of the minicons in the series. The fact there is a various kind of minicons is very interesting. We got the Buzzsaws,the Torpedos,the Cyclones,the Weaponizers and the Activators. Look at Swelter and Glacius. These two can control fire and ice. I wish there was more random minicons where the Autobots catch them,like they did with Torpor.
The Grimlock disguise
This has been a running gag throughout the series. Grimlock tried so hard to find a disguise and a vehicle mode,despite him being a Dinobot. It was funny. Him using a crane as his own proper disguise was an interesting change in the franchise. However,I wished he could've scan a monster truck and transforms into it. So he would have been a triple changer. Look at Hotshot from Transformers Rescue Bots Academy. He turns into multiple alt modes. I think Grimlock transforming into a monster truck should have been what the series should have really been in the beginning. Yes,i'm aware of the scene where he made a monster truck as a disguise,but this was just cardboards. A Dinobot with a vehicle mode for real for the first time would've been amazing. Yeah,I know,Transformers Rescue Bots Academy,but RBA Grimlock don't even transform.
vendredi 11 janvier 2019
My Season 5 of Transformers RID
**This is a fan made project that i'm starting to do and I search for someone to animate.**
Plot: A year after the defeat of Cyclonus,Bumblebee receive a call from Optimus that there are still more Decepticons on the loose and it's up to the Bee team to capture them. They will need the help from Steeljaw to capture them as the brand new Decepticons may be stronger and harder to defeat. The team will soon learn that there are more than the truth to be revealed.
Episode 1: Steeljaw's redeement
After being chased by the Autobots to Crown City,Steeljaw redeem himself and help them for good. Little did they know they were spied by the Decepticon Spyguard.
Featured Decepticon: Spyguard
Episode 2: Enter Commandix
A new team member join the team as they tries to apprehend Terrashock who escaped his stasis pod.
Featured Decepticon: Terrashock
Episode 3: The enemy from Cybertron
Shockwave goes out from his hiding to achieve his plan into motion. Optimus calls Bumblebee to spread awareness of his plan.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Thrush,Scorponok,Kickback and Phantomjaw
Episode 4: The perils of Bumblebee
When Bumblebee messed up at leading Commandix while training,he find himself locked up in a trap by a Decepticon.
Featured Decepticon: Thrush
Episode 5: Kickback join the team?
The Autobots locate Kickback in a forest and accidentally accepted him in the team. They'll soon find out that it was a trick to gather information.
Featured Decepticons: Kickback,Scorponok and Shockwave
Episode 6: Lost turbo
Sideswipe learn about a race and secretly joins in. Meanwhile,a minicon is the cause of a terrible mischief.
Featured Decepticon: Crazybolt
Episode 7: Trouble at the damn
A beaver like Decepticon is causing trouble to Bumblebee and his team and Strongarm is damaged.
Featured Decepticon: Slap-eye
Episode 8: A smell of attraction
Steeljaw finds out that his crush over a Decepticon may cost his life.
Featured Decepticon: Wooltrick
Episode 9: Victory by evolution
Bomberjack,a bear like Decepticon tries to gather information on the Autobots. During battle,Commandix evolves.
Featured Decepticon: Bomberjack
Episode 10: Under the circumstances
After being spotted by the humans,Grimlock act as a hero to them and save the day from a Decepticon known as Locktooth.
Featured Decepticon: Locktooth
Episode 11: Space out
Steeljaw and Underbite accidentally transported into space and figure out how to come back to Earth.
Featured Decepticon: Titanflamme
Episode 12: Shrunked
Commandix and Strongarm got shrunked by a Decepticon and argue at each other. They end up defeating Rootclaw and turns into normal size by Fixit.
Featured Decepticon: Rootclaw
Episode 13: An unexpected truth
Underbite knows the truth about Shockwave and reveal that he's the one who created him and Steeljaw years ago. However,a group of minicons enter the Scrapyard.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Zekepede and Phantomjaw
Episode 14: Hard as a shell
A Decepticon is located on a beach to steal treasures. Drift insisted on catching her alone. Snapbite has Chainstorm hostage and won't let go until Drift give her all the treasures. Will Drift's plan go as planned?
Featured Decepticon: Snapbite
Episode 15: Bad as a smoke
Rushfire partner up with Bumblebee to catch a tazmanian devil like Decepticon who arrived from Cybertron.
Featured Decepticon: Tazma
Episode 16: Manual achievement
Shelock grow a grudge against Grimlock about the way he command her in battle against Decepticons.
Featured Decepticons: Strikeback,Spitback and Vampclaw
Episode 17: A big appetite
Russell find a vulture like Decepticon participating in a eating contest. Underbite finds out and we'll do anything to win this contest.
Featured Decepticon: Scuzzard
Episode 18: A quill that bite the dust
Quillfire escape and target Drift for revenge while Sideswipe gets punished for his behavior.
Featured Decepticon: Quillfire
Episode 19: Hostages
The minicons are kidnapped by a bounty hunter. The Autobots will find a way to rescue them.
Featured Decepticon: Icepick
Episode 20: Hank's secret
Hank reveal to Russell that she knew about the transformers a long time ago and grow a friendship with Grimlock.
Featured Decepticon: Excapod
Episode 21: Sick day
Steeljaw gets sick and Fixit need to get a cure as fast as possible.
Featured Decepticon: Jellyflash and Firestomp
Episode 22: A worrying rampage
Shockwave send Lazerback to extract the Autobots' DNA and encounter one problem. Commandix has needlephobia and goes on a rampage.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave and Lazerback
Episode 23: A wild chomp on the loose
Blizzdra take control of Underbite. The minicons work together to turn him back to normal.
Featured Decepticon: Blizzdra
Episode 24: The funeral
A Decepticon kill Sideswipe during a battle.
Featured Decepticon: Snowplough
Episode 25: Target night
Shockwave decide to target the Autobots at night to capture them.
Featured Decepticon: Shockwave and Freesh
Episode 26: Shockwave's revelation
Shockwave reveal his true ideals to the Autobots.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Snowplough,Kickback,Scorponok and Razorback
Episode 27: Steeljaw's brother
A unknown wolf like Decepticon appear in front of our heroes and is willing to separate Commandix from Steeljaw.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Phantomjaw,Snowplough,Kickback,Scorponok and Razorback.
Episode 28: The remaining Decepticons
Optimus helps the Autobots to arrest the remaining Decepticons on Cybertron.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Phantomjaw,Snowplough,Kickback,Scorponok,Razorback and Ripclaw
Episode 29: Willpower
The minicons partner up with their Autobot partners to defeat Shockwave once and for all.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Phantomjaw,Snowplough,Kickback,Scorponok,Razorback and Ripclaw
Episode 30: The end of an era
The Autobots were able to defeat Shockwave with the help of the minicons and return to Earth. Commandix gets adopted.Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Phantomjaw,Snowplough,Kickback,Scorponok,Razorback and Ripclaw
Plot: A year after the defeat of Cyclonus,Bumblebee receive a call from Optimus that there are still more Decepticons on the loose and it's up to the Bee team to capture them. They will need the help from Steeljaw to capture them as the brand new Decepticons may be stronger and harder to defeat. The team will soon learn that there are more than the truth to be revealed.
Episode 1: Steeljaw's redeement
After being chased by the Autobots to Crown City,Steeljaw redeem himself and help them for good. Little did they know they were spied by the Decepticon Spyguard.
Featured Decepticon: Spyguard
Episode 2: Enter Commandix
A new team member join the team as they tries to apprehend Terrashock who escaped his stasis pod.
Featured Decepticon: Terrashock
Episode 3: The enemy from Cybertron
Shockwave goes out from his hiding to achieve his plan into motion. Optimus calls Bumblebee to spread awareness of his plan.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Thrush,Scorponok,Kickback and Phantomjaw
Episode 4: The perils of Bumblebee
When Bumblebee messed up at leading Commandix while training,he find himself locked up in a trap by a Decepticon.
Featured Decepticon: Thrush
Episode 5: Kickback join the team?
The Autobots locate Kickback in a forest and accidentally accepted him in the team. They'll soon find out that it was a trick to gather information.
Featured Decepticons: Kickback,Scorponok and Shockwave
Episode 6: Lost turbo
Sideswipe learn about a race and secretly joins in. Meanwhile,a minicon is the cause of a terrible mischief.
Featured Decepticon: Crazybolt
Episode 7: Trouble at the damn
A beaver like Decepticon is causing trouble to Bumblebee and his team and Strongarm is damaged.
Featured Decepticon: Slap-eye
Episode 8: A smell of attraction
Steeljaw finds out that his crush over a Decepticon may cost his life.
Featured Decepticon: Wooltrick
Episode 9: Victory by evolution
Bomberjack,a bear like Decepticon tries to gather information on the Autobots. During battle,Commandix evolves.
Featured Decepticon: Bomberjack
Episode 10: Under the circumstances
After being spotted by the humans,Grimlock act as a hero to them and save the day from a Decepticon known as Locktooth.
Featured Decepticon: Locktooth
Episode 11: Space out
Steeljaw and Underbite accidentally transported into space and figure out how to come back to Earth.
Featured Decepticon: Titanflamme
Episode 12: Shrunked
Commandix and Strongarm got shrunked by a Decepticon and argue at each other. They end up defeating Rootclaw and turns into normal size by Fixit.
Featured Decepticon: Rootclaw
Episode 13: An unexpected truth
Underbite knows the truth about Shockwave and reveal that he's the one who created him and Steeljaw years ago. However,a group of minicons enter the Scrapyard.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Zekepede and Phantomjaw
Episode 14: Hard as a shell
A Decepticon is located on a beach to steal treasures. Drift insisted on catching her alone. Snapbite has Chainstorm hostage and won't let go until Drift give her all the treasures. Will Drift's plan go as planned?
Featured Decepticon: Snapbite
Episode 15: Bad as a smoke
Rushfire partner up with Bumblebee to catch a tazmanian devil like Decepticon who arrived from Cybertron.
Featured Decepticon: Tazma
Episode 16: Manual achievement
Shelock grow a grudge against Grimlock about the way he command her in battle against Decepticons.
Featured Decepticons: Strikeback,Spitback and Vampclaw
Episode 17: A big appetite
Russell find a vulture like Decepticon participating in a eating contest. Underbite finds out and we'll do anything to win this contest.
Featured Decepticon: Scuzzard
Episode 18: A quill that bite the dust
Quillfire escape and target Drift for revenge while Sideswipe gets punished for his behavior.
Featured Decepticon: Quillfire
Episode 19: Hostages
The minicons are kidnapped by a bounty hunter. The Autobots will find a way to rescue them.
Featured Decepticon: Icepick
Episode 20: Hank's secret
Hank reveal to Russell that she knew about the transformers a long time ago and grow a friendship with Grimlock.
Featured Decepticon: Excapod
Episode 21: Sick day
Steeljaw gets sick and Fixit need to get a cure as fast as possible.
Featured Decepticon: Jellyflash and Firestomp
Episode 22: A worrying rampage
Shockwave send Lazerback to extract the Autobots' DNA and encounter one problem. Commandix has needlephobia and goes on a rampage.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave and Lazerback
Episode 23: A wild chomp on the loose
Blizzdra take control of Underbite. The minicons work together to turn him back to normal.
Featured Decepticon: Blizzdra
Episode 24: The funeral
A Decepticon kill Sideswipe during a battle.
Featured Decepticon: Snowplough
Episode 25: Target night
Shockwave decide to target the Autobots at night to capture them.
Featured Decepticon: Shockwave and Freesh
Episode 26: Shockwave's revelation
Shockwave reveal his true ideals to the Autobots.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Snowplough,Kickback,Scorponok and Razorback
Episode 27: Steeljaw's brother
A unknown wolf like Decepticon appear in front of our heroes and is willing to separate Commandix from Steeljaw.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Phantomjaw,Snowplough,Kickback,Scorponok and Razorback.
Episode 28: The remaining Decepticons
Optimus helps the Autobots to arrest the remaining Decepticons on Cybertron.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Phantomjaw,Snowplough,Kickback,Scorponok,Razorback and Ripclaw
Episode 29: Willpower
The minicons partner up with their Autobot partners to defeat Shockwave once and for all.
Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Phantomjaw,Snowplough,Kickback,Scorponok,Razorback and Ripclaw
Episode 30: The end of an era
The Autobots were able to defeat Shockwave with the help of the minicons and return to Earth. Commandix gets adopted.Featured Decepticons: Shockwave,Phantomjaw,Snowplough,Kickback,Scorponok,Razorback and Ripclaw
Top 10 Decepticons I wanted for Steeljaw's pack
1. Fracture:
Fracture has been a member of Steeljaw's pack since Season 1. Unfortunately,he's no longer in the pack and was replaced by Quillfire. Season 4 has the original pack but Quillfire replaced Fracture. It wasn't fair to replace him with a annoying porcupine-con so that's why I choose Fracture.

Scowl is a good choice to put in Steeljaw's pack because he could have had a rivalry with Grimlock. Also the fact that he once worked for Thunderhoof.
3. Simacore:
Simacore is a better choice than Groundpounder,in my opinion and he's the smartest Decepticon so Steeljaw picking him would be great.

4. Kickback:
Kickback is a lonely bot. Steeljaw even offered Kickback to join him during Season 2. He would promise to take care of him,just like he did with Clampdown.

Because why not? It would be more interesting to see Octopunch with Steeljaw.
7. Chop Shop:
Steeljaw having Chop Shop in his pack would be a great idea since he's a combiner and would be a good opportunity for him.

Polarclaw is a amazing character and I would have enjoyed to see him again. Since Polarclaw's vehicle mode is similar to Steeljaw,he would add him to his pack.

The reason why I choose Ped is because it's a character that I wanted to see returning in Season 4. Too bad it didn't happen,though. He would be perfect to get energon for Steeljaw.

Like Steeljaw,Razorpaw doesn't tolerate any failure. He'll be a proud Decepticon alongside Steeljaw.
Flamesnort's backstory
**This is another backstory that I have came up with because they explained nothing in the show.**
During the Great War,Flamesnort was stationed on Earth along with a seismic-shock warhead he was charged with protecting. Time wore on and Flamesnort lost contact with ''command'' but continued to try and re-establish contact. The remote English island he was located on ensured he was not disturbed until,that is,his transmissions were detected by Fixit and Bumblebee who came to investigate. Believing them to be the vanguard of an Autobot fleet,he attempted to extract information from them,but retreated when he was unable to defeat Bumblebee.
How old is Flamesnort? He's very very old. Pretty much a elder since he was on Earth for so long. Unfortunately,he's never been told about the war being over. And who is the ''command'' that he referred to? It's most likely to be Megatron because he exiled the Decepticons after the war. Why he tried to contact him? He didn't know that Megatron has stoped the war. It's the reason why Megatron ignored his calls. All of this mean that Flamesnort has been a supporter of Megatron all this time. As time passes,he think that the Decepticons like him are the heroes and that the Autobots are the villains.
After attempting another report to ''command'',he tried a different tactic by surrounding the humans in a ring of fire so he could again fight against Bumblebee. He almost lost the control key for the warhead during the battle and after two humans escaped,Flamesnort instead opted to return to his cavern and activate the warhead. Fortunately for the planet Earth,Bumblebee and Fixit were able to catch up with him and deactivate the weapon,defeating the Decepticon in the process.
What happened to him after? It believed to be in custody but since he's a elderly Decepticon,he gets emotional assistance and hopefully be reintegrated into Cybertronian society. He may be a reformed Decepticon by now.
During the Great War,Flamesnort was stationed on Earth along with a seismic-shock warhead he was charged with protecting. Time wore on and Flamesnort lost contact with ''command'' but continued to try and re-establish contact. The remote English island he was located on ensured he was not disturbed until,that is,his transmissions were detected by Fixit and Bumblebee who came to investigate. Believing them to be the vanguard of an Autobot fleet,he attempted to extract information from them,but retreated when he was unable to defeat Bumblebee.
How old is Flamesnort? He's very very old. Pretty much a elder since he was on Earth for so long. Unfortunately,he's never been told about the war being over. And who is the ''command'' that he referred to? It's most likely to be Megatron because he exiled the Decepticons after the war. Why he tried to contact him? He didn't know that Megatron has stoped the war. It's the reason why Megatron ignored his calls. All of this mean that Flamesnort has been a supporter of Megatron all this time. As time passes,he think that the Decepticons like him are the heroes and that the Autobots are the villains.
After attempting another report to ''command'',he tried a different tactic by surrounding the humans in a ring of fire so he could again fight against Bumblebee. He almost lost the control key for the warhead during the battle and after two humans escaped,Flamesnort instead opted to return to his cavern and activate the warhead. Fortunately for the planet Earth,Bumblebee and Fixit were able to catch up with him and deactivate the weapon,defeating the Decepticon in the process.
What happened to him after? It believed to be in custody but since he's a elderly Decepticon,he gets emotional assistance and hopefully be reintegrated into Cybertronian society. He may be a reformed Decepticon by now.
jeudi 10 janvier 2019
Steeljaw's Plan In The Books
**Steeljaw's plan is different both in the show and in the books.**
In the old steel mill which Steeljaw and his gang are using as a hideout,tensions are running hot. Steeljaw remind Thunderhoof and Underbite that they're only there because they can help him obtain the Anti-Spark and the two underlings go outside for fresh air.
However,his goal to acquire the Anti-Spark was never his motivation in the show. Perhaps Steeljaw's goal in the show was changed during development.
Following the disastrous business with Megatronus,Steeljaw was lurking near the Sierra Ridge mountains when he spotted Optimus and Windblade out on a mission. Shortly afterwards,he stumbled on an energon mine being constructed by three abandoned Vehicons and managed to convince them that he was their superior officer. While two of the Vehicons lured Team Bee away from the Scrapyard,he and Steve kidnapped Fixit and Russell as well as freeing those Decepticons Steeljaw could trust before inviting the Autobots to come find them.
Steeljaw had the Decepticons set about mining energon and when Bumblebee's team inevitably turned out,Steeljaw revealed his trump card: a bomb left with the Vehicons by Starscream. During the fight,he ordered Steve to set off the bomb. However, the Vehicons realized that Steeljaw was pursuing his own vendetta and not the Decepticon cause. After Optimus arrived to reveal that Steeljaw had been lying about being part of Starscream's command,the Vehicons turned on their ''would be master'' using the bomb to take out the other Decepticons. He fled the scene while the Autobots were taking his men into custody.
In the old steel mill which Steeljaw and his gang are using as a hideout,tensions are running hot. Steeljaw remind Thunderhoof and Underbite that they're only there because they can help him obtain the Anti-Spark and the two underlings go outside for fresh air.
However,his goal to acquire the Anti-Spark was never his motivation in the show. Perhaps Steeljaw's goal in the show was changed during development.
Following the disastrous business with Megatronus,Steeljaw was lurking near the Sierra Ridge mountains when he spotted Optimus and Windblade out on a mission. Shortly afterwards,he stumbled on an energon mine being constructed by three abandoned Vehicons and managed to convince them that he was their superior officer. While two of the Vehicons lured Team Bee away from the Scrapyard,he and Steve kidnapped Fixit and Russell as well as freeing those Decepticons Steeljaw could trust before inviting the Autobots to come find them.
Steeljaw had the Decepticons set about mining energon and when Bumblebee's team inevitably turned out,Steeljaw revealed his trump card: a bomb left with the Vehicons by Starscream. During the fight,he ordered Steve to set off the bomb. However, the Vehicons realized that Steeljaw was pursuing his own vendetta and not the Decepticon cause. After Optimus arrived to reveal that Steeljaw had been lying about being part of Starscream's command,the Vehicons turned on their ''would be master'' using the bomb to take out the other Decepticons. He fled the scene while the Autobots were taking his men into custody.
mardi 8 janvier 2019
What happened to Optimus after Out of focus
**This will blow your mind because this is covering something that is indeed connected to the show.
During the Aligned Continuity,Hasbro not only made the Transformers Robots in disguise series but made books as well in which both of them are connected. The books also cover some Decepticons that the Autobots captured offscreen/outside of the show but it still is canon. I'm going to talk about what happened to Optimus after the episode Out of focus and as well as Micronus.
Who is Micronus to begin with? Micronus is one of the Primes and the one who train Optimus Prime in the Realm of the Primes. He's the minicon type of all of the Primes.
Micronus' history:
At the Dawn of time,Primus created Micronus Prime,conscience and moral center of the Thirteen. Although he is the smallest member of this venerated group,he possess boundless reserves of energy and a clever mind,enabling him to predict the actions of his brothers and sisters before even they know what they're going to do.
Micronus' innocent nature belies strong ethical sense,although he takes his role very seriously and approach his duties with a light spark and an easy touch. He eschewed the most dour members of the Thirteen in favor of the free spirited Onyx Prime,whom he once considered his closest friend and his creative energies also inspired him to strike up friendship with Solus Prime and Nexus Prime. His siblings always appreciate his presence-he could impart a fraction of his energy upon them using the Chimera Stone,directing his own energies into a form that suited their needs. He would pass a version of this ability on to his descendants,the minicons.
In recent years,Micronus Prime has retreated to the Realm of the Primes,where he temporarily served as a mentor and spiritual guide to Optimus,the youngest member of the Thirteen. In this role,he prefer to let his younger sibling learn through trial and error,sometimes feigning in a blithe indifference to the mental and physical rigors of his training regimen. In reality,Micronus cares deeply about all living things.
His first true appearance in RID:
Micronus Prime shows up in the episode Out of focus in the series but was it really his first appearance?Yes,it is.
His second actual appearance is during the book,The trials of Optimus Prime. It it set to be after Out of focus and between One of our minicons is missing and Battleground part 1.
During Optimus' training,Micronus became aware that one of the other Primes was interfering with his work. While meeting with the Primes,he realized that Liege Maximo had gone missing and went to confront the culprit himself. Liege Maximo decided to amuse himself by introducing new opponents into Optimus' next training session.
Micronus allow Optimus to view activities on Earth,where Team Bee is having a game of football with Russell. Once the pair go to resume training,Liege Maximo send a false image of Optimus to Earth,warning Bumblebee of an impending attack. In the Realm of the Primes,Optimus and Micronus are meditating when Liege Maximo send more foes after the former. Micronus is able to dissipate the creations but is puzzled by where they came from.
So yes,this shows a couple more of Optimus' trials in the Realm of the Primes,which is what he spent most of the season doing.
This story also shows that Optimus is able to communicate with Bumblebee and the others by using portals in the Realm of the Primes. It also shows that other Primes are able to do so.
Micronus hints that Optimus may be learning some things from other Primes as well as him before he leaves the Realm.
During the Aligned Continuity,Hasbro not only made the Transformers Robots in disguise series but made books as well in which both of them are connected. The books also cover some Decepticons that the Autobots captured offscreen/outside of the show but it still is canon. I'm going to talk about what happened to Optimus after the episode Out of focus and as well as Micronus.
Who is Micronus to begin with? Micronus is one of the Primes and the one who train Optimus Prime in the Realm of the Primes. He's the minicon type of all of the Primes.
Micronus' history:
At the Dawn of time,Primus created Micronus Prime,conscience and moral center of the Thirteen. Although he is the smallest member of this venerated group,he possess boundless reserves of energy and a clever mind,enabling him to predict the actions of his brothers and sisters before even they know what they're going to do.
Micronus' innocent nature belies strong ethical sense,although he takes his role very seriously and approach his duties with a light spark and an easy touch. He eschewed the most dour members of the Thirteen in favor of the free spirited Onyx Prime,whom he once considered his closest friend and his creative energies also inspired him to strike up friendship with Solus Prime and Nexus Prime. His siblings always appreciate his presence-he could impart a fraction of his energy upon them using the Chimera Stone,directing his own energies into a form that suited their needs. He would pass a version of this ability on to his descendants,the minicons.
In recent years,Micronus Prime has retreated to the Realm of the Primes,where he temporarily served as a mentor and spiritual guide to Optimus,the youngest member of the Thirteen. In this role,he prefer to let his younger sibling learn through trial and error,sometimes feigning in a blithe indifference to the mental and physical rigors of his training regimen. In reality,Micronus cares deeply about all living things.
His first true appearance in RID:
Micronus Prime shows up in the episode Out of focus in the series but was it really his first appearance?Yes,it is.
His second actual appearance is during the book,The trials of Optimus Prime. It it set to be after Out of focus and between One of our minicons is missing and Battleground part 1.
During Optimus' training,Micronus became aware that one of the other Primes was interfering with his work. While meeting with the Primes,he realized that Liege Maximo had gone missing and went to confront the culprit himself. Liege Maximo decided to amuse himself by introducing new opponents into Optimus' next training session.
Micronus allow Optimus to view activities on Earth,where Team Bee is having a game of football with Russell. Once the pair go to resume training,Liege Maximo send a false image of Optimus to Earth,warning Bumblebee of an impending attack. In the Realm of the Primes,Optimus and Micronus are meditating when Liege Maximo send more foes after the former. Micronus is able to dissipate the creations but is puzzled by where they came from.
So yes,this shows a couple more of Optimus' trials in the Realm of the Primes,which is what he spent most of the season doing.
This story also shows that Optimus is able to communicate with Bumblebee and the others by using portals in the Realm of the Primes. It also shows that other Primes are able to do so.
Micronus hints that Optimus may be learning some things from other Primes as well as him before he leaves the Realm.
vendredi 4 janvier 2019
Dinosaur Office
Dinosaur Office is a stop motion cartoon on CollegeHumor that focus on the daily life of the dinosaur workers. The series is notable for being a common fixture on Nintendo Video for the Nintendo 3DS.
This web-original provide a lot of examples,such as all love is unrequited and benevolent boss.
The most recognizable characters are Craig,Sheila,Terry,Todd and Richard.
Their famous quote is ''Dinosaur Office! Raaaaawr!''
It's a very funny cartoon that I used to enjoy whenever I have my 3DS. It's too bad that they took it off of the 3DS. But at least,the episodes are on Youtube.
The cartoon is created by CollegeHumor,a website started in 1999 by Josh Abramson and Ricky Van Veen. The videos,pictures and articles featured are meant to be humourous to college students. Dinosaur Office is not the only thing they have done.
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