**Before I start,please note that not every Decepticons in the show have problems and they do deserve to be imprisoned/captured. However,there are Decepticons who are innocent and they could have problems. They do not deserve to be imprisoned but rather need help.**

I recently read someone's theory that some of the Alchemor prisoners are mentally ill. This make sense considering the behavior of most of the Decepticons in the show. Springload is delusional. He rather needs help instead of imprisonment. Bisk and Crazybolt are delusional as well. Flamesnort is elderly and doesn't know the war has ended. He was'nt a prisoner aboard the Alchemor to begin with.This guy needs therapy instead of imprisonment. Underbite is apparently boulimic. This make sense since he could'nt stop eating and it is also notable in the episode ''Something he ate'' in the end. He doesn't feel good and seems to have a stomachache. Underbite revealed that the last time he had a stomachache was when he ate 3 torn crushers in one clogged. Bumblebee sworn to help him,though. However,he ended up in stasis. He didn't deserve that. Clampdown helped arresting Thunderhoof. He's the youngest and I don't think he needs to be imprisoned. Fracture was'nt even a Alchemor prisoner to begin with. Grimlock was once a prisoner of the Alchemor and because he shows friendly nature toward the Bee team,they let him join them instead of putting him back to stasis. Someone must have erase Grimlock's memory from what happened back then before ending up in the Alchemor. Another suggestion is that maybe the stasis pods are the cause of their mental illness. Think about it for a moment. They get frozen in there,sleeping forever until someone opens the stasis pod. Steeljaw even confirmed that they can dreams while in stasis. This is proven by him and Quillfire. They were contained for the danger they posed. Vertebreak is a mad scientist,though he does deserve to be imprisoned. However,he is too crazy. Like a psychopath. All he ever wanted is a new body. Why? Yeah I know.. Revenge on his former colleges.. But what if it's due to his appearance? There are even some Decepticons who only wants to get back home. Chop Shop and Octopunch for example. Razorpaw is another Decepticon who was'nt a prisoner aboard the Alchemor as well. However,he makes his minicons starve so he needed imprisonment at all cost. Scowl only wants to smash stuff. Groundpounder only ended in the Alchemor because of a rampage he had when he heard he was possibly a cheater while in fact it was his mentor Headlock who was the cheater. Kickback did nothing at all to the Bee team. What if the Alchemor was'nt a prison ship but rather a ship for Cybertronians with disorders and the guards experiments on them to get some reactions from them?