samedi 27 mars 2021

Will Teletoon ever rebrand again?

 Does anyone remember when Teletoon got a rebrand back in 2007? Well,what if it happens again?

I really do want the channel to rebrand again. Why? That is because the 2011 logo is very old now and most people are getting tired of it. And since Teletoon is going to a new era with entertaining series like it used to be back then,it would make sense for a rebrand to happen soon. Imagine the channel with a new logo and possibly use bumpers once again. They're doing bumpers for Télétoon La Nuit in 2020 so chances are it might happen during the daytime as well.

If there is another rebrand,then a new coming up next bumper will replace the current one. It almost happened in 2019 when the channel was about to air the movie DC Super Hero Girls: Hero of the year. Camp Teletoon could be finally back again. The new schedule of tv shows would be different too. And what about a new programming block? Maybe an anime block like YTV did or a pre-school programming block for younger kids. Either way,I do hope we get a new logo soon. And what do y'all think? Please share your opinion.

samedi 6 mars 2021

The predecessor Of Club Penguins: Snow Blasters/Experimental Pinguins

 Does anyone remembers Snow Blasters? No? Let me tell you about this predecessor of Club Penguins..

The first seeds of what would become Club Penguin began as a Flash 4 web-based game called Snow Blasters that developer Lance Priebe has been developing in his spare time in July 2000's. Priebe's attention was brought to penguins after he ''happened to glance at a Far Side cartoon featuring penguins that was sitting on his desk.'' The project was never finished and instead morphed into Experimental Penguins. Experimental Penguins was released through Priebe's company of employment in July 2000's but went offline the following year. It was used as an inspiration for Penguin Chat,a similar game which was released shortly the removal of Experimental Penguins. Then,Penguins Football Chat was released in 2003 and was the second attempt at a penguin-themed MMORPG. It was created on Flash 5 and used the same interface as Experimental Penguins. 

The game contained various minigames such as the premiere title of Rocket Snail games called Ballistic Biscuit,a game that would be placed into Experimental Penguins and eventually be adapted into Club Penguin's Hydro Hopper. Lance Priebe,as well as co-workers Lane Merrifield and Dave Krysto,started to formulate the Club Penguin concept when the trio were unsuccessful in finding ''something that had some social components but was safe and not just marketed as safe'' for their own children. Penguin Chat's third version was released in April 2005 and was used to test the client and servers of Penguin Chat 4,which was later renamed Club Penguin. Users from Penguin Chat was then invited to beta test Club Pinguin.