**Please understand why it's important to know the circumstance of tv shows and seasons airing in a certain occasion.**
So Transformers Cyberverse Season 2 known as Power of the Spark is going to premiere this year but when? Well I have the answer for you guys. You know,there is those ''Back to school'' thing. Well,most of new shows and seasons air in this occasion of the year. When is the ''Back to school''? It's in September,obviously. This will be the case for Transformers Cyberverse Season 2 and Rescue Bots Academy. Because of the ''Back to school'' is near the corner,they want to make sure to air these shows in this time. You know on TV when they shows an add for cartoons for ''Back to school'' so you know which shows will be watching? That's what I was talking about. So yes,they all prepared all along for this. It's the whole reason why it's going to air in September.
mardi 30 juillet 2019
The rivalry between Jetfire and Sky Byte
So the clips of Transformers Cyberverse Season 2 has spread and has me intrigued about the rivalry between Jetfire and Sky Byte. While Jetfire has an Autobot symbol,you might say it's strange he's with the Decepticons. Well to be honest,one theory suggest that Sky Byte have mind control power and he has possibly took control of Jetfire's mind. For that,I had to watch the clip over and over. Unfortunately,it was'nt the case of mind control. It just appears that Jetfire was with Starscream and Sky Byte was waiting in another side or whatsoever until Starscream brings him to Jetfire. Starscream discuss with Jetfire about how he could defeat Sky Byte. Now for the part where we were all confused. Sky Byte mind controled Jetfire? Nope. He just heard about the discussion and was excited to go and defeat Jetfire. What's even more strange is that when Starscream had the Allspark,it looks like he was acting like Cheetor did in the trailer for Season 2. In case you want to know what i'm talking about,there's a scene in the trailer where Cheetor has the Allspark on his hand and goes saying ''Let the trial begins!''. Well,when Sky Byte and Jetfire received their Spark Armor from Starscream thanks to the Allspark,Starscream goes ''Enjoy!'' This might implied that not only does Starscream knew about Jetfire and Sky Byte's rivalry,he knows about the trial thing. He probably watched Optimus and Megatron's trial with Cheetor beforehand. But why is Jetfire doing on Starscream's side even though he's an Autobot? Well,he might be the rogue character the writers hinted at. Who knows?
vendredi 26 juillet 2019
Robots in disguise Combiner Force Lost Episode
This lost episode i'm going to talk about is called ''Slug''. You hear me. It is suggested that it could have been the episode where it features the Dinobot Slug. The title of the episode was revealed during production when a video shows a production clip of Combiner Force with the exact title on top. However,the clip turned out to be episode 7 of Combiner Force called ''The great divide''. The reason of the change is because they wanted to cancel the character Slug since they already have a triceratops character named Tricerashot in Season 3. The storyline of the episode was not revealed but it is believed that it has something to do with the Autobots discovering a dinosaur creature that turned out to be the Dinobot Slug. We don't know if Slug was meant to be a good guy or not. The storyline was changed in favor of two Sideswipes arguing each other. Yeah,you know the rest.
mercredi 24 juillet 2019
The reason why Cody has Ken as his boyfriend
**What i'm going to explain to you is the reason why Cody has Ken as his boyfriend.**
So to begin with,Cody has bought a Ken doll during Bowser Junior's Summer vacation after Summer school. He knew back then that Ken is a doll. But when they entered First Grade,the teacher (in which was a pedophile) raped Cody in the bathroom. It's the reason why he needed therapy. However,this has changed him. That's why Cody turned gay in the first place. And because he has Ken,he thinks he can be his boyfriend for the rest of his life,no longer considering him as a doll and we all know what they do together like always in the SML videos.
So to begin with,Cody has bought a Ken doll during Bowser Junior's Summer vacation after Summer school. He knew back then that Ken is a doll. But when they entered First Grade,the teacher (in which was a pedophile) raped Cody in the bathroom. It's the reason why he needed therapy. However,this has changed him. That's why Cody turned gay in the first place. And because he has Ken,he thinks he can be his boyfriend for the rest of his life,no longer considering him as a doll and we all know what they do together like always in the SML videos.
lundi 22 juillet 2019
The connection between Underbite and Grimlock
Underbite and Grimlock seems to know each other for long. I already made a video about that but I have some more ideas about their connection.
So they're both prisoners aboard the Alchemor. But I don't think that's how they have met. Grimlock seems to know Underbite before they were in the Alchemor. Apparently,they were childhood friends before the war when they were younger. They used to play together. The war is what separated them and because of some manipulation,Underbite turned against Grimlock. It won't be long until Underbite became power hungry and Grimlock see him eating Nuon City. However,he didn't let anyone know about it because he didn't want Underbite to get into trouble. But a cop notice it and arrest Underbite for eating a city. At first,they tried to treat him with some possible treatment for his condition. When that didn't work,they had to unfortunately put him in a stasis pod aboard the Alchemor,hoping it would stop him from eating. Grimlock was'nt too happy about the situation and started a rampage,which leaded him to be arrested and put in a stasis pod aboard the Alchemor alongside Underbite. When the ship crashed on Earth,Underbite's stasis pod was broken,thus freeing him and escape in search of eating something. Meanwhile,Grimlock's memory core was damaged in the process. That's why he don't remember what he has done to be put in the Alchemor. When the two has finally met up again,Grimlock's only desire was to fight. Although they still remember being friends and ended up in the Alchemor together,they still became enemies due to the war from long ago. Maybe by the end of the series,they succeed to treat Underbite's condition.
So they're both prisoners aboard the Alchemor. But I don't think that's how they have met. Grimlock seems to know Underbite before they were in the Alchemor. Apparently,they were childhood friends before the war when they were younger. They used to play together. The war is what separated them and because of some manipulation,Underbite turned against Grimlock. It won't be long until Underbite became power hungry and Grimlock see him eating Nuon City. However,he didn't let anyone know about it because he didn't want Underbite to get into trouble. But a cop notice it and arrest Underbite for eating a city. At first,they tried to treat him with some possible treatment for his condition. When that didn't work,they had to unfortunately put him in a stasis pod aboard the Alchemor,hoping it would stop him from eating. Grimlock was'nt too happy about the situation and started a rampage,which leaded him to be arrested and put in a stasis pod aboard the Alchemor alongside Underbite. When the ship crashed on Earth,Underbite's stasis pod was broken,thus freeing him and escape in search of eating something. Meanwhile,Grimlock's memory core was damaged in the process. That's why he don't remember what he has done to be put in the Alchemor. When the two has finally met up again,Grimlock's only desire was to fight. Although they still remember being friends and ended up in the Alchemor together,they still became enemies due to the war from long ago. Maybe by the end of the series,they succeed to treat Underbite's condition.
samedi 20 juillet 2019
Transformers Robots in disguise Steeljaw during production
**What you will see is the production images of Steeljaw from Transformers Robots in disguise. He was meant to look different than how he looked like in the show.**
During the production of Transformers Robots in disguise,Steeljaw was meant to be more of a puma or coyote looking Decepticon. Pretty much similar body type of Scratch and Razorpaw. Instead,he was blue. Therefore,there's a reason why they recreated the original design. It is because they wanted him to be more of a wolf looking type of Decepticon to play the ''Big Bad Wolf'' of the series. So they recreated Steeljaw to look more like a wolf instead and colored him in more of a grey-ish blue. But they didn't stop there. They did not want to discord the original design as they wanted to also create Scratch and Razorpaw so they re-use the original design and recolor as brown. There was a rumor saying that Steeljaw was originally going to be named Galvatron. But,we don't know if that rumor was true or not.
During the production of Transformers Robots in disguise,Steeljaw was meant to be more of a puma or coyote looking Decepticon. Pretty much similar body type of Scratch and Razorpaw. Instead,he was blue. Therefore,there's a reason why they recreated the original design. It is because they wanted him to be more of a wolf looking type of Decepticon to play the ''Big Bad Wolf'' of the series. So they recreated Steeljaw to look more like a wolf instead and colored him in more of a grey-ish blue. But they didn't stop there. They did not want to discord the original design as they wanted to also create Scratch and Razorpaw so they re-use the original design and recolor as brown. There was a rumor saying that Steeljaw was originally going to be named Galvatron. But,we don't know if that rumor was true or not.
Why I see Steeljaw as a father figure to me
**Please take note that i'm aware that Steeljaw is not real and that he's a fictional character. Just know that it happens to people like me to think fictional characters as family.**
So start it all,my real father is a jerk. He left me alone in the camping car until midnight one time. All I had to eat are Fibre 1 brownies and those Bear Paws snacks. I won't go on everything he has done to me. So because all of the things he had done,I wanted a new father who would understand what I feel. I saw Steeljaw from transformers Robots in disguise. Now i'm aware that he's not real and that he's a fictional character. Throughout the series,I called Steeljaw as a father figure to me and of course I was'nt going that far with that,knowing he's not real. But Steeljaw showed anything a actual father would do for their kids. Steeljaw means a lot to me like Underbite does. Everytime I see him in the show,I would wish that he turns good. That wish came true during the the series' finale in the last two episodes of Combiner Force. It was birthday wish.
So start it all,my real father is a jerk. He left me alone in the camping car until midnight one time. All I had to eat are Fibre 1 brownies and those Bear Paws snacks. I won't go on everything he has done to me. So because all of the things he had done,I wanted a new father who would understand what I feel. I saw Steeljaw from transformers Robots in disguise. Now i'm aware that he's not real and that he's a fictional character. Throughout the series,I called Steeljaw as a father figure to me and of course I was'nt going that far with that,knowing he's not real. But Steeljaw showed anything a actual father would do for their kids. Steeljaw means a lot to me like Underbite does. Everytime I see him in the show,I would wish that he turns good. That wish came true during the the series' finale in the last two episodes of Combiner Force. It was birthday wish.
mercredi 17 juillet 2019
The Lost Cancelled Transformers Show Based On The movie
**This is for real. Teletoon had a promo image of it back in 2007 or 2008. However,this was replaced by Transformers Animated.**
So hello there and tonight,i'm going to tell you about the lost cancelled transformers show that was based on the live action movie. You hear me that right. This almost happened. So after the first live action movie was made,Hasbro wanted to make a television series based on it for Teletoon. The plot was unknown but it is suggested to follow what happens after the events of the first movie. We would have seen the human characters like Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes. The designs were like their live action counterpart except more cartoonish. A Teletoon promo was made for it with the design for Optimus Prime. The characters were meant to be Optimus Prime,Bumblebee,Ratchet and Ironhide. Jazz was killed by Megatron in the movie so he doesn't appear. The Decepticons would have been the same ones from the movie,of course. But why is it cancelled? Possibly because they wanted more movies of the franchise instead so they made Transformers Animated to replace it.
So hello there and tonight,i'm going to tell you about the lost cancelled transformers show that was based on the live action movie. You hear me that right. This almost happened. So after the first live action movie was made,Hasbro wanted to make a television series based on it for Teletoon. The plot was unknown but it is suggested to follow what happens after the events of the first movie. We would have seen the human characters like Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes. The designs were like their live action counterpart except more cartoonish. A Teletoon promo was made for it with the design for Optimus Prime. The characters were meant to be Optimus Prime,Bumblebee,Ratchet and Ironhide. Jazz was killed by Megatron in the movie so he doesn't appear. The Decepticons would have been the same ones from the movie,of course. But why is it cancelled? Possibly because they wanted more movies of the franchise instead so they made Transformers Animated to replace it.
The full original storyline of Transformers Robots in disguise
**This will tell the full original storyline of Transformers Robots in disguise. It was not like what we have got. It was meant to be different.**
It all started like the two pilot episodes that we got but differently. An image of Optimus Prime instructs Bumblebee,Sideswipe and Strongarm to head to Earth. Fixit's prisonship has crashed landed on Earth and inmates scattered all over the planet. Denny and Russell are father and son living in Crown City whose hobby is collecting old vehicles and running a scrapyard. Bumblebee and his team befriends an escaped Decepticon prisoner,Grimlock. Underbite and Tusk terrorize Crown City and Denny and Russell uses an old aluminum car as a bait to lure them away into a trap. At a critical moment,Optimus Prime appears. Optimus and Bumblebee now leads the team into battle. A hammerhead shark has attacked a Crown City oil tanker. Paranoia grips the entire planet. The shark turns out to be the Decepticon Jawblade (Hammerstrike's original name). Bumblebee and Grimlock teams up to defeat him. However,Strongarm doesn't trust Grimlock entirely and Grimlock leaves. A Decepticon named Butcher (Chop Shop's original name) steals appliances to build a spacecraft to leave Earth. Bumblebee and his team heads to arrest him with the help from Fixit. A Stasis Pod was discovered in Crown City Natural History Museum. Denny and Russell disguise themselves as archaeologists to investigate. A bison like Decepticon attacks pedestrians and Bumblebee and his team must stop him. Thunderhoof is disguised as a mythical deer monster and commands humans to collect materials to build a spacebridge to go back on Cybertron. An accident traps Bumblebee and Sideswipe in the portal. Thunderhoof is transported somewhere else and meet Grimlock. Pickpocket (Filch's original name),a bird like Decepticon is stealing from pedestrians. It's up to Bumblebee and his team to to capture him. Strongarm realizes that her partners are more important than rules and regulations. One of Steeljaw's minions,a lice named Minitron,attached himself to Grimlock and gains control of his mind and take Tusk's Stasis Pod and attacks a car junkyard. Bumblebee and Sideswipe must find a way to detach him from Grimlock. Steeljaw and Tusk escapes. Strongarm is on patrol alone for the first time trying to track down a frog like Decepticon who still think he's on Cybertron trying to find the lost city of Doradus. Bumblebee is secretly following Strongarm to help her if needed. Autobot Jazz arrives to investigate an earthworm like Decepticon burrowing tunnels on Earth to collect Energon. Bumblebee and his team uses Energon crystals as bait to capture the Decepticon. Bumblebee is poisoned during a fight and acts like a child. A herd of elephants in the zoo is released by the Decepticon Flamefeather (Quillfire's original name). Bumblebee and Grimlock rides the elephants to bring them back to the zoo. Two Cybertronian spacecrafts landed on the West side of the Crown Forest. Autobots are hunting Fracture. Drift saves Bumblebee and his team and Bumblebee thanks him after the battle. However,Fracture managed to escape. A crab like Decepticon named Clampdown appears in Crown City's flood control and is rallying other Decepticons to hunt for hidden treasures. Steeljaw request Clampdown to join with him. Optimus appears to send Bumblebee and his team in an important mission in a ghost town to find a bookshelf with a journal written by the Primes. Fixit finds himself lost. Jetstorm think that Fixit don't have enough courage and after being trapped by Stasis Pods,it's up to not only Fixit but to Jetstorm and Slipstream as well to find a way to escape. Bumblebee drinks a robot fuel and turns into a real robot. The Autobots turns athletic and keep their identity as a secret with the humans. Bumblebee turns into a Vehicon while the other Autobots find a way to turn him back to normal. Slipstream invoke an ancient right to face an enemy from his past.
It all started like the two pilot episodes that we got but differently. An image of Optimus Prime instructs Bumblebee,Sideswipe and Strongarm to head to Earth. Fixit's prisonship has crashed landed on Earth and inmates scattered all over the planet. Denny and Russell are father and son living in Crown City whose hobby is collecting old vehicles and running a scrapyard. Bumblebee and his team befriends an escaped Decepticon prisoner,Grimlock. Underbite and Tusk terrorize Crown City and Denny and Russell uses an old aluminum car as a bait to lure them away into a trap. At a critical moment,Optimus Prime appears. Optimus and Bumblebee now leads the team into battle. A hammerhead shark has attacked a Crown City oil tanker. Paranoia grips the entire planet. The shark turns out to be the Decepticon Jawblade (Hammerstrike's original name). Bumblebee and Grimlock teams up to defeat him. However,Strongarm doesn't trust Grimlock entirely and Grimlock leaves. A Decepticon named Butcher (Chop Shop's original name) steals appliances to build a spacecraft to leave Earth. Bumblebee and his team heads to arrest him with the help from Fixit. A Stasis Pod was discovered in Crown City Natural History Museum. Denny and Russell disguise themselves as archaeologists to investigate. A bison like Decepticon attacks pedestrians and Bumblebee and his team must stop him. Thunderhoof is disguised as a mythical deer monster and commands humans to collect materials to build a spacebridge to go back on Cybertron. An accident traps Bumblebee and Sideswipe in the portal. Thunderhoof is transported somewhere else and meet Grimlock. Pickpocket (Filch's original name),a bird like Decepticon is stealing from pedestrians. It's up to Bumblebee and his team to to capture him. Strongarm realizes that her partners are more important than rules and regulations. One of Steeljaw's minions,a lice named Minitron,attached himself to Grimlock and gains control of his mind and take Tusk's Stasis Pod and attacks a car junkyard. Bumblebee and Sideswipe must find a way to detach him from Grimlock. Steeljaw and Tusk escapes. Strongarm is on patrol alone for the first time trying to track down a frog like Decepticon who still think he's on Cybertron trying to find the lost city of Doradus. Bumblebee is secretly following Strongarm to help her if needed. Autobot Jazz arrives to investigate an earthworm like Decepticon burrowing tunnels on Earth to collect Energon. Bumblebee and his team uses Energon crystals as bait to capture the Decepticon. Bumblebee is poisoned during a fight and acts like a child. A herd of elephants in the zoo is released by the Decepticon Flamefeather (Quillfire's original name). Bumblebee and Grimlock rides the elephants to bring them back to the zoo. Two Cybertronian spacecrafts landed on the West side of the Crown Forest. Autobots are hunting Fracture. Drift saves Bumblebee and his team and Bumblebee thanks him after the battle. However,Fracture managed to escape. A crab like Decepticon named Clampdown appears in Crown City's flood control and is rallying other Decepticons to hunt for hidden treasures. Steeljaw request Clampdown to join with him. Optimus appears to send Bumblebee and his team in an important mission in a ghost town to find a bookshelf with a journal written by the Primes. Fixit finds himself lost. Jetstorm think that Fixit don't have enough courage and after being trapped by Stasis Pods,it's up to not only Fixit but to Jetstorm and Slipstream as well to find a way to escape. Bumblebee drinks a robot fuel and turns into a real robot. The Autobots turns athletic and keep their identity as a secret with the humans. Bumblebee turns into a Vehicon while the other Autobots find a way to turn him back to normal. Slipstream invoke an ancient right to face an enemy from his past.
What the main original villains were going to be in Transformers Robots in disguise
Beside Underbite,you're going to find out who were meant to be the original villains of Transformers Robots in disguise. Be warned as this was an original concept and it was not something like we saw in the actual show.
So the original villains were not only Underbite but also Steeljaw and a familiar character. That familiar character you may ask is Grimlock. He was originally planed to be a main villain in Season 1 teaming up with Steeljaw. Like we saw in episode 8 of Season 1 but that would have last a couple episodes before Grimlock would join the Autobots. If you know what I mean right there. Strongarm was still suspicious of Grimlock's attitude,though. There's a reason why Grimlock was meant to be a main villain to begin with: A promo image of the series showing Steeljaw and Grimlock together. So the series would have started with the two pilot episodes like we got and having Underbite as the villain of the two episodes. However,Grimlock was'nt meant to join the Autobots at the time. He would have just escape,like he did in episode 2 of Season 1 instead and he would'nt be appearing for the rest of the episode. In a later episode,Grimlock encounter Steeljaw and joins him. He then spy on the Autobots by pretending to be one and when his mission failed,he meet up with Thunderhoof. A couple episodes later,Bumblebee convince him to join the Autobots. Grimlock agrees as he thinks Steeljaw is only thinking of himself. Then like we all know,Steeljaw's pack as we know it in Season 1 and of course without Grimlock and Minitron.
So the original villains were not only Underbite but also Steeljaw and a familiar character. That familiar character you may ask is Grimlock. He was originally planed to be a main villain in Season 1 teaming up with Steeljaw. Like we saw in episode 8 of Season 1 but that would have last a couple episodes before Grimlock would join the Autobots. If you know what I mean right there. Strongarm was still suspicious of Grimlock's attitude,though. There's a reason why Grimlock was meant to be a main villain to begin with: A promo image of the series showing Steeljaw and Grimlock together. So the series would have started with the two pilot episodes like we got and having Underbite as the villain of the two episodes. However,Grimlock was'nt meant to join the Autobots at the time. He would have just escape,like he did in episode 2 of Season 1 instead and he would'nt be appearing for the rest of the episode. In a later episode,Grimlock encounter Steeljaw and joins him. He then spy on the Autobots by pretending to be one and when his mission failed,he meet up with Thunderhoof. A couple episodes later,Bumblebee convince him to join the Autobots. Grimlock agrees as he thinks Steeljaw is only thinking of himself. Then like we all know,Steeljaw's pack as we know it in Season 1 and of course without Grimlock and Minitron.
samedi 13 juillet 2019
The Whole Reason Why I Hate G1
**Please understand that this is my own opinion,my own reason and that I have the right to express what I feel deep inside. I have the right to like or dislike what I want. There is no need to start a fight over this like what happened with Cyberverse. And I know that the reason why you all fought against me is that you just misunderstood what I actually feel.**
So to start with,I was'nt aware of what transformers was until I was 7 years old. One of my friends during my childhood made me discovered this franchise. It was back in 2007 when the first live action movie came out. I watched the movie and this meant a lot to me because of Linkin Park. Yes,you heard me. Chester Bennington is one of the reasons why I grew up with transformers. Rest in peace,Chester and thank you for giving me the opportunity to know the transformers franchise.. In 2008,I saw my first ever transformers show,Transformers Animated. Prowl was my favorite Autobot and Lugnut was my favorite Decepticon. My parents and I went to Wal-Mart to buy a Lugnut figure that I had broke a leg when I tried to transform him back to robot mode. A few weeks later at a Superstore,we found a DVD of what seems to be from Transformers G1. Of course we ended up buying it. Little did I know that this was actually the first ever transformer show,which was from the 80's. Of course I was'nt born at the time when transformers was created which explain why I didn't know of that show or franchise back then. But because I was now a transformers fan,we ended up buying it and I watched it over and over every night. I seemed to enjoy it for a few years until I got bored with that series. That's why I quitted the G1 franchise.. I'm so used to the other series and other designs now that the old G1 design looked boring when I see them. I was no longer a fan of G1. Even if I watch a couple of G1 episodes,I don't feel enjoyed by them and sometimes makes me tired when I go to school. I stopped collecting the G1 toys. My parents picked on me for watching too much of the G1 series. I was been told that at school when I get provoked,I would act like one of those transformers.. Possibly Starscream. Geez! You think that's insane and I agree with that but I was younger at that time and I didn't really know what was I doing. So,even though I have watched other series,I felt lonely because I don't get the chance to have friends over like I used to when I was little. Until 2015,that is when Robots in disguise came out. When I saw Underbite,I knew he would be special to me and that he would be my best friend. Ok,I know that they're fictional characters and they're not real. But Underbite is special and he's like an invisible friend. You know what I mean. My mom was ok with it. She knew that Underbite would always be there for me no matter what. After a few years and that Cyberverse was announced and knowing that it would be a G1 reboot,my heart turned into anger.. Like I mentioned,my parents picked on me for watching to much of the G1 show,I got bored and it made my life not that really easy for me.. All those past unforgettable memories.. All that anger.. I could'nt take it. That's why I grew hate on Cyberverse.. Because I knew it would mess my life even more. I tried to express what I feel even with my full anger but you guys went on to attack me and such.. I didn't find a way to tell you guys what really made me hate Cyberverse. When Cyberverse finally came out,I did tried to watch the first two episodes. Unfortunately,I got traumatized by the Cortical Psychic Patch that Windblade was holding.. For those of you who did not know,I have medical phobia,which mean that anything medical gives me anxiety. Sadly,people continued to attack me,bullied me,picked on me and even forced me to watch the show.. One particular bully wanted me to go get hit by a train and to go jump to a volcano! I'm not kidding. Now I have recovered from the trauma and accept Cyberverse. But that won't change the fact that I still despise G1 for what that show has done to me all through the years. It's the reason anytime I see some G1 stuff,i'm not in the mood.
So to start with,I was'nt aware of what transformers was until I was 7 years old. One of my friends during my childhood made me discovered this franchise. It was back in 2007 when the first live action movie came out. I watched the movie and this meant a lot to me because of Linkin Park. Yes,you heard me. Chester Bennington is one of the reasons why I grew up with transformers. Rest in peace,Chester and thank you for giving me the opportunity to know the transformers franchise.. In 2008,I saw my first ever transformers show,Transformers Animated. Prowl was my favorite Autobot and Lugnut was my favorite Decepticon. My parents and I went to Wal-Mart to buy a Lugnut figure that I had broke a leg when I tried to transform him back to robot mode. A few weeks later at a Superstore,we found a DVD of what seems to be from Transformers G1. Of course we ended up buying it. Little did I know that this was actually the first ever transformer show,which was from the 80's. Of course I was'nt born at the time when transformers was created which explain why I didn't know of that show or franchise back then. But because I was now a transformers fan,we ended up buying it and I watched it over and over every night. I seemed to enjoy it for a few years until I got bored with that series. That's why I quitted the G1 franchise.. I'm so used to the other series and other designs now that the old G1 design looked boring when I see them. I was no longer a fan of G1. Even if I watch a couple of G1 episodes,I don't feel enjoyed by them and sometimes makes me tired when I go to school. I stopped collecting the G1 toys. My parents picked on me for watching too much of the G1 series. I was been told that at school when I get provoked,I would act like one of those transformers.. Possibly Starscream. Geez! You think that's insane and I agree with that but I was younger at that time and I didn't really know what was I doing. So,even though I have watched other series,I felt lonely because I don't get the chance to have friends over like I used to when I was little. Until 2015,that is when Robots in disguise came out. When I saw Underbite,I knew he would be special to me and that he would be my best friend. Ok,I know that they're fictional characters and they're not real. But Underbite is special and he's like an invisible friend. You know what I mean. My mom was ok with it. She knew that Underbite would always be there for me no matter what. After a few years and that Cyberverse was announced and knowing that it would be a G1 reboot,my heart turned into anger.. Like I mentioned,my parents picked on me for watching to much of the G1 show,I got bored and it made my life not that really easy for me.. All those past unforgettable memories.. All that anger.. I could'nt take it. That's why I grew hate on Cyberverse.. Because I knew it would mess my life even more. I tried to express what I feel even with my full anger but you guys went on to attack me and such.. I didn't find a way to tell you guys what really made me hate Cyberverse. When Cyberverse finally came out,I did tried to watch the first two episodes. Unfortunately,I got traumatized by the Cortical Psychic Patch that Windblade was holding.. For those of you who did not know,I have medical phobia,which mean that anything medical gives me anxiety. Sadly,people continued to attack me,bullied me,picked on me and even forced me to watch the show.. One particular bully wanted me to go get hit by a train and to go jump to a volcano! I'm not kidding. Now I have recovered from the trauma and accept Cyberverse. But that won't change the fact that I still despise G1 for what that show has done to me all through the years. It's the reason anytime I see some G1 stuff,i'm not in the mood.
mercredi 10 juillet 2019
My list of characters for Super Smash Bros Ultimate
**This is my own opinion and my list. These can happen or not. If you says that they're not gonna add these characters because the game already made,then this is bullshit because look at all the characters they added after the game came out.**
1. Jibanyan
He's one of the best characters in Yokai Watch and it would have been great to play as for Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I mean,we got Pikachu so why not Jibanyan? Also,Sonic is Sega and yet,he's in Smash so it would make sense for a character from Level-5 to be part of this.
2. The rabbits from Rabbits Invasion

Alright,it's Ubisoft. But that won't change the fact that they need to be in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. They would be fun to play as. Heck! They're even on a crossover game with Mario.
3. Waluigi
If Wario is in Super Smash Bros Ultimate,then why not Waluigi? It's the character that people wants the most.
4. A character from the FIFA games

If the Wii-Fit trainer is able to be in Super Smash Bros Ultimate,then why not one of the characters from the FIFA series? Imagine hitting a character with a soccer ball. That would be great.
5. Spyro
One of the fans' favorites and is part of the Skylanders. Would be cool to play as Spyro and unlock the Dark Spyro skin.
6. Crash Bandicoot
Another fans' favorites and I would totally enjoy playing as Crash Bandicoot.
7. The dogs from Nintendogs
That would be so much fun to add the dogs from Nintendogs because that would be a great time to remember that game.
8. Dragonoid from Bakugan
Because that would be a throwback from the original Bakugan plus it would be a good fighter.
9. Bomberman
Bomberman is a nostalgic game and it would be great if they include at least one of the characters from Bomberman in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
1. Jibanyan
He's one of the best characters in Yokai Watch and it would have been great to play as for Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I mean,we got Pikachu so why not Jibanyan? Also,Sonic is Sega and yet,he's in Smash so it would make sense for a character from Level-5 to be part of this.
2. The rabbits from Rabbits Invasion

Alright,it's Ubisoft. But that won't change the fact that they need to be in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. They would be fun to play as. Heck! They're even on a crossover game with Mario.
3. Waluigi
If Wario is in Super Smash Bros Ultimate,then why not Waluigi? It's the character that people wants the most.
4. A character from the FIFA games

If the Wii-Fit trainer is able to be in Super Smash Bros Ultimate,then why not one of the characters from the FIFA series? Imagine hitting a character with a soccer ball. That would be great.
5. Spyro
One of the fans' favorites and is part of the Skylanders. Would be cool to play as Spyro and unlock the Dark Spyro skin.
6. Crash Bandicoot
Another fans' favorites and I would totally enjoy playing as Crash Bandicoot.
7. The dogs from Nintendogs
That would be so much fun to add the dogs from Nintendogs because that would be a great time to remember that game.
8. Dragonoid from Bakugan
Because that would be a throwback from the original Bakugan plus it would be a good fighter.
9. Bomberman

mardi 2 juillet 2019
Clampdown's backstory
On Cybertron,Clampdown was under Thunderhoof's command. When the Autobots found him,he reported Thunderhoof's criminal enterprises to the authorities,leading Thunderhoof's arrest. Clampdown later tried to blackmail a member of the High Council,possibly because he knew something was up and that's why he got arrested and put aboard the Alchemor. When the ship crashed on Earth,he went into hiding in the storm drains under Crown City as he looks homeless and could'nt find his way back on Cybertron,his actual home. One night,he accidentally encountered a pair of human street racers,but frightened them off by trashing one of their cars from the shadows.
Bumblebee and his team attempted to arrest him in his sewer hideout but the panicked crab managed to escape by tearing apart a main pipe,washing the Autobots away. As he left the sewer,he was approached by Steeljaw,who offered him to join him and sworn to protect him. At Steeljaw's hideout,Clampdown failed to attempt to impress Underbite and Fracture. Then,Thunderhoof arrived. Though Steeljaw tried to cut the hostilities short,Thunderhoof was having none of that and charged after Clampdown. Clampdown fled with Thunderhoof in pursuit,Steeljaw chasing them both and Underbite and Fracture following them,probably out of curiously.
The Autobots found Clampdown hiding in a garbage dump. Clampdown offered that if he tells them Steeljaw's hideout that the Autobots would let him free. Bumblebee accepted. However,the Decepticons found them,leading them to a brawl. After Steeljaw freed the other cons and escaped having Clampdown as their new member of the pack,they soon find him still suspicious.
In the episode Prisoner Principles,after been handcuffed together with Strongarm,she sworn to protect Clampdown from any threads. He tried to help Strongarm for arresting Thunderhoof. Later,he saved Strongarm and Bumblebee,which proves that he does in fact care about the Autobots. If Strongarm didn't handcuffed him at the end,they would have giving Clampdown a chance to join their team instead.
Bumblebee and his team attempted to arrest him in his sewer hideout but the panicked crab managed to escape by tearing apart a main pipe,washing the Autobots away. As he left the sewer,he was approached by Steeljaw,who offered him to join him and sworn to protect him. At Steeljaw's hideout,Clampdown failed to attempt to impress Underbite and Fracture. Then,Thunderhoof arrived. Though Steeljaw tried to cut the hostilities short,Thunderhoof was having none of that and charged after Clampdown. Clampdown fled with Thunderhoof in pursuit,Steeljaw chasing them both and Underbite and Fracture following them,probably out of curiously.
The Autobots found Clampdown hiding in a garbage dump. Clampdown offered that if he tells them Steeljaw's hideout that the Autobots would let him free. Bumblebee accepted. However,the Decepticons found them,leading them to a brawl. After Steeljaw freed the other cons and escaped having Clampdown as their new member of the pack,they soon find him still suspicious.
In the episode Prisoner Principles,after been handcuffed together with Strongarm,she sworn to protect Clampdown from any threads. He tried to help Strongarm for arresting Thunderhoof. Later,he saved Strongarm and Bumblebee,which proves that he does in fact care about the Autobots. If Strongarm didn't handcuffed him at the end,they would have giving Clampdown a chance to join their team instead.
lundi 1 juillet 2019
Crazybolt's backstory
Crazybolt subscribes to a simple philosophy: Speed. Everything in life should be about going fast as you can and nothing be slowing you down. On Velocitron,this philosophy would allow Crazybolt to fit right in. But on planets such as Cybertron and Earth,there are too many obstacles in the form of cities,natural terrain and people. To Crazybolt,there is only one solution to dealing with all obstacles impeding his speed: destroying them with his fiery breath and burning exhaust.
However,there's a mystery behind how he got Slicedice,his minicon. My theory is that during Slicedice's youth,he was a huge fan of Crazybolt during races on Velocitron. At some point,he had the chance to meet him in person. When Crazybolt knew about Slicedice,he offer him to be his minicon so he could be his assistant. On their first day on Earth,they somehow met up with Scorponok. They were given an offer to join the Decepticon Island Crew. However, they preferred to be solo but they would contact him to give him some information if they have the chance.
However,there's a mystery behind how he got Slicedice,his minicon. My theory is that during Slicedice's youth,he was a huge fan of Crazybolt during races on Velocitron. At some point,he had the chance to meet him in person. When Crazybolt knew about Slicedice,he offer him to be his minicon so he could be his assistant. On their first day on Earth,they somehow met up with Scorponok. They were given an offer to join the Decepticon Island Crew. However, they preferred to be solo but they would contact him to give him some information if they have the chance.
Scorponok's backstory
Millions of years ago,Scorponok was a gladiator. In a battle with Grimlock,Scorponok damaged his opponent's vocal processors,causing his awkward manner of speaking.
On Cybertron,Scorponok terrorized outlying communities largely outside the reach of the law,often tearing them down for simple enjoyment. He was eventually arrested and placed in a stasis pod aboard the Alchemor.
After the ship crashed on Earth,Scorponok was one the three prisoners alongside Glowstrike and Saberhorn who organized the freed Decepticons into a militia and overthrew their minicon prison guards,enslaving them. From there,they sent members of the group out to scavenge materials needed to get the Alchemor space worthy. He teams up with the Cyclone minicons Clout and Bludgeon.
Somehow,Scorponok knows Crazybolt and Slicedice. It is possible that he has recruited them when he arrived on Earth alongside every other cons. However,Crazybolt and Slicedice prefer going solo but would contact him to give some info if needed. It was never implied if they both work for the Decepticon Island Crew at all.
On Cybertron,Scorponok terrorized outlying communities largely outside the reach of the law,often tearing them down for simple enjoyment. He was eventually arrested and placed in a stasis pod aboard the Alchemor.
After the ship crashed on Earth,Scorponok was one the three prisoners alongside Glowstrike and Saberhorn who organized the freed Decepticons into a militia and overthrew their minicon prison guards,enslaving them. From there,they sent members of the group out to scavenge materials needed to get the Alchemor space worthy. He teams up with the Cyclone minicons Clout and Bludgeon.
Somehow,Scorponok knows Crazybolt and Slicedice. It is possible that he has recruited them when he arrived on Earth alongside every other cons. However,Crazybolt and Slicedice prefer going solo but would contact him to give some info if needed. It was never implied if they both work for the Decepticon Island Crew at all.
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