Bonjour et bienvenu dans ce blog. Je vais vous parler de mon jus préféré: Kool-Aid.
En gros,qu'est-ce que c'est? C'est un marque de mélange de boissons artificiellement aromatisées appartenant à la société Kraft Food Groups.
Le jus Kool-Aid a été inventé par Edwin Perkins et son épouse Kitty à Hastings au Nebraska, États-Unis à partir d'un liquide concentré de fruits appelé Smack.
À chaque année, ils font un festival d'été appelé Kool-Aid Days. C'est alors devenu le soda officiel du Nebraska en 1998.
Il y a aussi une mascotte que j'adore beaucoup au nom de Kool-Aid Man. C'est une grande cruche anthropomorphe rempli de gel de Kool-Aid. J'adore Kool-Aid Man tellement! C'était un idole pour moi. Le slogan est Oh yeah!
On peut même faire notre propre Kool-Aid fait maison et c'est facile. Un vers d'eau et mélanger la poudre de Kool-Aid. Vraiment simple à faire. Ce jus est désormais très poppulaire.
Les saveurs:
Melon d'eau
Framboise bleue
lundi 22 octobre 2018
Rescue Heroes

Cette émission s'appelle Rescue Heroes.
Rescue Heroes est une série Canadienne produit par Nelvana en 1999. Il a été basé sur des jouets du même nom. La série à débuté le 2 Octobre 1999 jusqu'au 18 Décembre 2002. En 2003, un film sur la série a sortie nommé Rescue Heroes: The movie. Cette série a eu 3 saisons en tout.
Voici le résumé de la série: Ce sont des aventures d'équipe d'urgences qui sauvent la vie des personnes de nombreux désastres.
Les jouets sont crées par la célèbre compagnie Fisher Price. La série a été fait pour laisser le message de comment gérer des situations d'urgence. Dans à peu près chaque épisodes, les personnages nous disent quelques conseils de sécurité.
Personnages (héros de la série):
Billy Blaze
Wendy Waters
Rocky Canyon
Ariel Flyers
Jack Hammer
Moi personellement,Billy Blaze et Rocky Canyon sont mes personnages préféré. Surtout que Billy est le chef de l'équipe et il est un vrai héros. La raison pourquoi je voulais en parler c'est parce que c'est une de mes émissions préféré quand j'étais jeune et je le regardais toujours avant d'aller à l'école. La série est peut-être fini maintenant depuis des années mais il reste encore dans mon coeur.
mercredi 3 octobre 2018
Rant on Bart-Toons
Warning! This rant is not to harrass the user. But the reason why i'm doing this rant is because of the person's hate for Japan and he hate everything related to Japan.
Now it's ok to not like Japan but hating Japan to be racist,hating anime,to harrass/insult and to lie about it is wrong.
He says that he hate anime because Japanese cartoons are worst and all those stuff. He then claim that he adore cartoons,yet a anime technically is a cartoon. Just that it's from Japan. Now as far as I know,hating Japan is racism.
He's lying to everyone by telling them that he dislike arguing, racism, and bad people, because apparently, he adore that. That's right. So if he hate anime and Japan,then why he likes Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumy? Because he lies. Because he claim stupid stuff. And some people calls him a hypocrite. No wonder why he have such a bad behavior.
Now you would probably say to me that it's ok that he don't like Japan or anime and all those stuff. Yes,it's true. But the thing is,he takes it way too far. Trust me,you don't wanna deal with this guy.
He deny everything,even though the proof is there. No matter what we're telling him,he say that we're wrong. He likes Nintendo games but does'nt realize that they're from Japan. Pretty much for someone who lies about his hate for Japan,am I right? Not only that,he reply to most people by saying Blah Blah Blah. Troll or not,the way he's acting is not ok. And the grammar? No offense but he have bad grammar. Like I said,this is not to offense anyone. Apparently,he's racist about Japanese people as well.
I do not recommend to encourage him,by the way since he might become stronger. Some people support him but they don't realize that he brainwash them. Judging by his hate for Japan,someone claimed that he might be Xenophobic.
Xenophobic or not,it's not ok to have this attidude. And what about manga? Oh he hate them as well.
Now here are the evidences about him.
Now it's ok to not like Japan but hating Japan to be racist,hating anime,to harrass/insult and to lie about it is wrong.
He says that he hate anime because Japanese cartoons are worst and all those stuff. He then claim that he adore cartoons,yet a anime technically is a cartoon. Just that it's from Japan. Now as far as I know,hating Japan is racism.
He's lying to everyone by telling them that he dislike arguing, racism, and bad people, because apparently, he adore that. That's right. So if he hate anime and Japan,then why he likes Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumy? Because he lies. Because he claim stupid stuff. And some people calls him a hypocrite. No wonder why he have such a bad behavior.
Now you would probably say to me that it's ok that he don't like Japan or anime and all those stuff. Yes,it's true. But the thing is,he takes it way too far. Trust me,you don't wanna deal with this guy.
He deny everything,even though the proof is there. No matter what we're telling him,he say that we're wrong. He likes Nintendo games but does'nt realize that they're from Japan. Pretty much for someone who lies about his hate for Japan,am I right? Not only that,he reply to most people by saying Blah Blah Blah. Troll or not,the way he's acting is not ok. And the grammar? No offense but he have bad grammar. Like I said,this is not to offense anyone. Apparently,he's racist about Japanese people as well.
I do not recommend to encourage him,by the way since he might become stronger. Some people support him but they don't realize that he brainwash them. Judging by his hate for Japan,someone claimed that he might be Xenophobic.
Xenophobic or not,it's not ok to have this attidude. And what about manga? Oh he hate them as well.
Now here are the evidences about him.
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